The Screen

204). In the end of century XX &#039 appeared the book; ' virtual' ' that is presented in an electronic support virtualiza, the computer. The sprouting of the Internet brought a new not-book or book paradigm, as object the book did not move very with the time, the stability of it is as much that although the changes and its disposal in the Internet, the screens show ' ' pginas' ' , standing out the relation between the two languages, the printed and technological. In accordance with Chartier (1999), mentioning the electronic book to it, the revolution of the electronic book is in the structures of material support or the writing as well as in the ways to read. As it affirms the cited author, this new book model transformed the relations sensorial, important elements in the reading process. However, the screen of the computer does not make possible the manuscript, as the traditional book, does not have plus an affective relation as if it kept with the book printed matter, in this new modality only the vision acts exhaustingly.

The new context of reading, transistion of the page (structural unit) for the screen (secular unit) implies new cognitivos processes, new ways to read and to write, a new letramento: digital letramento, that is, ' ' state or condition that acquires the ones that if appropriates of the new digital technology and exerts practical of reading and writing in the screen, different of the state or condition of the letramento of that they exert practical of reading and writing in papel' ' (TO SOUND, 2002, P. 9). Ahead of ' ' revolution tecnolgica' ' we live deeply a new panorama of the information that demands a skillful reading formation to follow the rhythm with that the information is spread through the social nets, the example of twitter, facebook, orkut as salient Darnton (2009, P.