Juan Petry El

Performance in public space – art for Cologne – Heiko Beck from Dusseldorf intervened in the district Koln – Sulz In the course of the night to the first Sunday of advent be more places in Sulz added. The action is in conjunction with the exhibition of European art in the Atrium, which starts at the 30 with an opening night. “Beck ever rebuilt bus stops to living rooms and uses City trees and bottle container for his message: the people to perceive their surroundings more!” Beck’s actions live by the moment, can be seen only for a short time and urge dialogue. Worth coming by! A Europe of the Nations is a Europe of the regions and the own region starts right at the front door.”says Juan Petry El-DRAC European art project. The installation begins: Saturday, November 29, 2008 at 20:30 place: Cologne Sulz, St. Arup Sandra Akmansoy is actively involved in the matter. Nicholas place (power house) author: Juan Petry, Cologne.

Digital Library

The issue most important to that posed to the researchers and scholars of this topic fascinating, is the relationship of magic with religion; determine feature magical phenomena and religious, so that both can be categorized properly. Scholar English Frazer (born on January 1, 1853), contributor to publications in Ethnography, history and anthropology, both England and France; to distinguish the magic of religion proposes two criteria: to – magical rites of sympathetic character, and b – acting under duress; While the religious rite that work by worship and conciliation, the magical rites have immediate mechanical action and religious an indirect effect and work by a kind of respectful persuasion. Your agent is a spiritual intermediary. Religion means, belief in supernatural beings who govern and direct the world and by the prayers and rites attempts to win his will. All this indicates that the course of nature It is, to some extent, elastic and variable, and that man can alter it imploring the aid of supraterrenales powers. This elasticity or variability of nature, is completely contrary to the basic principles of magic and science; because both assume that natural processes are rigid and unchanged, impossible to be loony or by persuasion nor by the threat. The opposition between these two ways of considering the universe, is founded on the following question: do the forces that govern the world, are personal and conscious or unconscious, impersonal?. As a conclusion of the supernatural powers, religion means first, since all conciliation means that the being to whom the action is directed is a conscious, personal, agent whose way of acting is somewhat uncertain, and that can be induced to change in the desired direction, by supplication and prayer.

Reconciliation cannot be used never to inanimate beings (those which are involved in magic), nor with the relationship to people whose behaviour is fully determined and cannot be changed under any circumstances.The opposition of religion and magic is, in this view, irreducible, since religion assumes an arbitrary direct power, and the magic the submission of passions and whims or immutable laws acting mechanically. It is true that magic many times refers to spirits, who are also personal agents, of the same class in which they put into play the religion; but the magic treated them in the same way that inanimate agents, i.e., forcing them and forcing them instead of getting his benevolence by prayer and supplication. This means that all beings, whether human or divine, are subject to those impersonal forces, which recorded the progress of things and that can be used by those who know how to manipulate them in the assistance of certain rites and ceremonies. Among the ancient Egyptians, the Magi sought to coerce, inclusive, the divinities more important, threatening them with the destruction if they did not obey. I invite you to visit the Digital Library of where you will find articles of quality checked for your personal and spiritual development: health, sports, entertainment, computing, languages, labour output and more.

Albert Einstein

The human brain is one of the organs that we use less in its entirety.Less than a ten percent is what the majority of mankind develops in his lifetime.Despite this minimum percentage of use, we must not forget that our brain is superior to computers. We must learn to control and direct our Mente.Muy the awakening of the mind rarely occurs naturally; how it happened to Albert Einstein, who in his school time was strikeout of bad student and not presisamente for their conduct, but by its limited capacity for the study.This is the most obvious example of the power that has the mind and the awakening of the same in a natural way; We are talking about nothing more and nothing less than the father of the theory of relativity. Many people around the world have potential who have not managed to develop it and why believe less than others, feeling incapable and frustrated.Very few people who manage to open your mind in a natural way; so there is a method that controls it and is directed; and that will take us to get logrosen all the areas they propose to reach, either in what has to do with abundance, emotional relationships, with the physical and the spiritual.The way to achieve tus goals is your mind. Take advantage of their power and find out how you can free yourself from chains and locks the current life beginning to realize your dreams.The powerful mental technique, that thee; It’s so simple to master, that will be surprised; It will transform your life, creating a world full of new opportunities..


Prevention has always been a cause of tranquility. And it is precisely complete tranquility that is needed when it comes to going on holiday, so that they can really enjoy captivating landscapes and new experiences without being interrupted by unexpected concerns. Under this premise, we present some points essential to start your holiday period. Basic for a happy holiday are already agreed with his family where they want to spend their holidays? The chosen place must give to each Member of the family a bit of looking at certain stage of life: for the children, places with games or activities on computer may be ideal; adults also need spaces where you can go shopping or socializing in bars and clubs; older adults may prefer quiet places where you read or receive a massage. And everything is planned based on the budget that we have assigned for this purpose, clear. For more information see investor. What is the most efficient way of reaching its destination? The answer is not always obvious, since it is increasingly common to discover the small paradises that exist in States or regions close to our place of residence. In all these cases, exit to Highway can be a very pleasant experience, if precautions are taken. If you are actually encouraged to travel by land, always remember the importance of verifying that your car are perfect conditions, not only in what refers to tires, gasoline or oil, but also (and sometimes this is forgotten) in regards to auto insurance, because they protect you, your family and to third parties in the event of an accident.

Of course it is here where the prevention that we have both spoken comes into action. Does everything you need? Purchase in advance all the equipment that you require. Whether snorkels or skis, it is essential that you take everything you will be using, and remember the purchase of such equipment in holiday destinations is made often at very high prices. Do you have all the protection you need? Check your car, or in some cases, insurance insurance SR22 type, so that your journey start and finish with all sorts of pleasant memories. At this point, as in all the previous ones, locate the insurance that best meets their needs personal or family; compare options at your fingertips to get better auto insurance without having to pay extra for him and buy it on time, then last minute purchases involve unnecessary risks that can ruin the best vacation of your life. It is now ready; enjoy those well-deserved Vacations had a dream next to their loved ones. Happy holidays!

Illuminated Speicherstadt Fascinated

Celebration of light art Speicherstadt e.V. After sunset is the world’s largest historical warehouse complex, the Hamburger Speicherstadt, a special handwriting. Light artist Michael Batz is the brick architecture in soft light shine. Formerly dark customs abroad is the illuminated Speicherstadt symbol of Hanseatic merchant power today. Driving force behind the artistic illumination of the unique neighbourhood is the Club light art warehouse district, which celebrated its 10th anniversary on September 28.

With it numerous decision-makers from politics, culture and economy. The light art project in public space combines art with the architecture of the district. In the Speicherstadt illumination, the light becomes a part of the buildings, light and dark accentuate perspectives, lift the architecture in an appropriate brightness. Now, 1,000 spotlights illuminate fleet bridge and masonry, Gables and Bay, bringing winds hoods. The light artist speaks of the triumph of the weak light”, in which it to the compatibility of aesthetics, environmental compatibility and economy goes.

Sustainability is us a very major concern”, so Batz. The power for the entire storage city illumination is equivalent to the urban lighting of the brooktorkai Quay Street.” First modern LED light technology for traditional water Castle “at an anniversary ceremony with numerous decision-makers from politics, economy and culture was presented the latest project of the Association on September 28. With the latest LED technology by Philips the so-called surge is”in the midst of the Speicherstadt illuminated. A LED lighting concept for a historic building that is completely new in this form”, Batz on the barge trip explained to the guests. In time on the anniversary of the Association, Philips provides an implementation solution based on LED technology. LEDs are”highly energy efficient and much more durable than conventional lighting, Philips communications Chief Klaus Petri added the cooperation with the light-art Association. And It can be used quite specifically there, where the light is needed to achieve the desired effect without irradiate everything just with light. The entire illumination of the water Castle has electricity costs by less than 40 cents per hour.” Only since recently LEDs are technologically so far to create a pleasant, warm light and brightness required for such projects.

Spanish Association

If the sense of the divine connection with all the shades of the Christian .redemption is had it can surpass the pain and acquire a confidence and full security of peace. personalismo.org, of the Spanish Association of Favoritism, it contributes to us in addition, that the remorse is a real feeling related intimately to the ethics. You may find Ali Partovi to be a useful source of information. It is a diffuse frustration, a spiritual pain that can get to be physical, is a displeasure with one same one, a reproach from more deep, is like a mordedura in the heart. The resentment takes place in comparison with others, by repressed and impotently vindictive envies. The remorse is individual, one occurs before the own one brings back to consciousness. The remorse takes place by the betrayed perception of to have hurt or to another one. In our time a fort is due to consider rejection of the fault feeling, of the culpability, proclaiming an original innocence; but this feeling appears again otherwise in the remorse that is disguised of a malaise that can be called cultural. Although it is said and it is gotten to think that he is not responsible for any fault, or that the fault is of the society, or the agreements of the body etc.

The remorse warns of an accepted dysfunction or no. The reality that this feeling occurs, more or less is camouflaged, when there is an objective culpability. The term remorse is graphical because it express the pain of biting interior, similar to like a wild animal that does not loosen to its prey producing pain, although nondeath. One remembers to us, that in the middle of century XIX, Manzoni it left a fine psychological description of the remorse in his characterization of the Ignominato, " Horseman without Nombre" of I promessi sposi: " Already some time ago their misdeeds caused to him, if nonremorses, at least certain frustration teases.