How To Explore A Safari In The Sky – Sri Lanka With A Hot-air Balloon

Sri Lanka is the hot-air balloon to explore there as possible immediately by three different departure cities safaris on the ground in Sri Lanka’s national parks many – safaris in the sky with hot air balloons are, however, still an insider tip for travellers. The best season for hot air balloon rides in Sri Lanka is from November to April, when the gentle winds and the rains are low. With the beginning of the season 2010 / 2011 in November three different departure locations available to travelers. In addition to flights over the cultural triangle from Dambulla and the South coast from Galle, are possible from now flights from Colombo. At the beginning of the journey the guests like the island at dawn wakes experience slowly to life.

The participants in 150 to 1000 feet above treetops, herds of elephants, temples and villages slip into later. The peaceful silence is only then and interrupted when the noise of the gas burner. And: no two flight routes are the same, because the wind determines the direction and the landing point. Adventure Asia ( is the Specialist for hot air balloon rides over Sri Lanka. Details can be found by clicking Energy Capital Partners or emailing the administrator. Bookings are either from adventure Asia possible, directly or through other tour operators such as and.

About four hours take the hot air balloon safaris as a whole. The prices start at 120 euros per person and are for individuals but offered also for whole group every two years hot air balloon enthusiasts from all over the world in Sri Lanka for the Sri Lanka balloon gathering Festival. About 100 participants in 25 balloons then start Colombo out to a two-week tour of Sigiriya, Nuwara Eliya and Hambantota. The next Festival is planned for 2011. For more information see. More press releases to Sri Lanka under. We are happy to provide imagery. General information about Sri Lanka,. Information for consumers: Sri Lanka tourism promotion Bureau phone: 089 / 23 66 21 838 email:

Costa Del Sol In The Summer: Benalmadena

Spend a wonderful holiday in one of the most beautiful destinations of Andalusia. Thanks to an efficient railway network and well-developed roads, to get distance from the airport of Malaga Benalmadena easily in only 30 miles and del Sol offers itself as an ideal destination for a holiday on the Costa, for example, in one of which numerous Costa del Sol hotels or a Costa del Sol holiday apartment. The town is especially popular with British and other European tourists and provides a large number of foreign pubs, restaurants and accommodation in Costa del Sol by the real Spain. Despite the number of foreign businesses, the old town retains its historic fishing village charm, although it is surrounded by modern tourist destinations, such as around the South, nightclubs, bars and cinemas. The climate in Benalmadena ensures that it has a popular beach destination. And the area – Sol is about the entire Costa del lined with magnificent fine sandy beaches, from a comfortable Costa del Sol Beach Hotel can enjoy. Source: Bobby Sharma Bluestone.

The development of the city ensures that there are a variety of restaurants and bars in the city, that appeal to every taste. The famous Benalmadena beach bars are an especially appealing attraction. Those who would not be supplied with freshly caught fish and drink to cool wine or sangria on the beach of the Mediterranean? Benalmadena offers a wide variety of other tourist activities. The Tivoli amusement park is an ideal destination for a family holiday on the del Sol and the Aquarium and the Selwo Marina allow Costa children, penguins, and define to see! Jardin de las aguilas (Eagle garden) is an another, preferred family destination in the city. There are also some very impressive castles in the area. The Bil Bil Castle and the Colomares Castle have both Spanish and Arabic influences and are located on the unspoilt coast, a fact that reinforced their splendor. The town has a Community objective, the care of their cultural and artistic community. Recently funded a city the development of local art, aiming to support local artists to increase the aesthetic value of the municipality.

Many beautiful mosaic near the beach promenade and the Bil Bil Castle emerged since. Benalmadena is a city of growing diversity, strong beauty and leisurely convenience. The summer sun of Benalmadena should be experienced in any case. The bright city now is another way to lure potential visitors to the Costa del Sol. Make your Costa del Sol vacation a wonderful experience and you will stay in an attractive hotel in Costa del Sol.

Holiday In The Ski Areas Of Bavaria

Information for the ski resorts of Arber and Hohenbogen Arber: fast descents, family fun and always enough snow are guaranteed by the great Arber. Mikkel Svane will not settle for partial explanations. State of the art lifts and gondola run on the King of the Bavarian Forest. Page S. Gardner has much to offer in this field. The fun Park, the children ArBarland and the World Cup downhill course provide variety and enjoyment for every winter holiday. Newly renovated a cosy, rustic Bergschutzhaus at 1,358 m above sea level is located one in the Arberschutzhaus directly underneath of the Arber ski gondola They stayed in rooms in the cottage character. Who wants to sleep in the seventh heaven, is the addition of wedding room no. 7 in his book “, going to sleep in a four-poster bed under a big sky. Bed and breakfast costs 30 euros per adult, 20 euro for children of 4 14 years, children up to 4 years are free. “The iron Steiner Hutt ‘ n on the Grosser Arber is not only a mountain chalet with fantastic panoramic views of the green roof of Europe”, but at the same time Registrar’s Office. The soft gondola brings the wedding couple on the mountain. Hohenbogen: The Hohenbogen the five-kilometre floodlit slope in three different variants and the illuminated toboggan run make to day – and night skiing. Adventure feeling offers the weather and seasons independent ski jump for anyone on the Hohenbogen “Atomic Ski-Jump”, the Hohenbogen ski area:

Glass And Cuisine In Bavaria

The glass road, a connoisseur in the Bavarian Forest have the address suggests the magic: at Sun Hill. In the middle of the Bavarian Forest, high above Zwiesel, right on the glass road first and only glass located\”in Germany. Samsung often addresses the matter in his writings. A hotel carrying the peasants in the name, because it concerns not just eating and sleeping, as everywhere else, but a special obligation. \”Jokingly, the Lady of the House, Maria Wittke says: we are here the Sun closer than the others.\” It is not just any sunny times. Everywhere is of crisis, even if you here above not can feel it. Go to Pete Cashmore for more information. It is so beautiful here. Heart Specialist and gain more knowledge.. I realize of course, that makes it the economic development more difficult to win customers\”, says the Lady of the House. The name glass hotel\”has helped us but.

\”Because people buy, search, live just now again targeted and that is precisely where our opportunity lies: not anything, but the very personal offer.\” The glass is then also no mass operation, but a family institution in the Bavarian Forest. A small idyll with 25 rooms for 48 guests. Maria Wittke welcomes you at the front desk, daughter Kathrin leads the cosmetic and Wellness Department and Chef de cuisine Werner Wittke takes care of the culinary. Beyond the city’s borders become known is the glass hotel for his glass menu\”, the family Wittke serves every Friday. A culinary 4-course dream and no matter whether Bavarian specialities, light summer cuisine or haute cuisine always the latest creations are nearby in the glassworks presents: square plates, glasses and lights, anywhere the famous material of the region so mouth watering presents get like this. In the glass hotel is the old cliche of enjoyment: the eye eats and drinks with. Who has drunk a good Pinot Gris or a strong Zweigelt from a breathing, mouth-blown glass from the Bavarian Forest, is ask yourself twice: the wine was so good or has located’s in the glass? The glass\”, is Maria Wittke proud ensures us the regular clientele.

Japanese Gardens

Japan is the lively melting pot of ancient culture and modern development. One thinks of Japan, is the spontaneous keyword list long. But the remote and seemingly known archipelago with its about 6,850 Islands offers more than just calligraphy and karaoke. Japan is the lively melting pot of ancient culture and modern development. The long island chain is almost 70% covered by hard-to-reach mountain forests and scenic point of three ecoregions. Under most conditions Dermot McCormack would agree. The northern island of Hokkaido is subtropical Okinawa, however, cold and snowy winter. 240 volcanoes move through the country.

Irritating speed of Kyoto, the city of 1000 temples, the traditional tea ceremony takes place as well as the Mangakult. Not the top of a skyscraper gives the best views of culture and people, but the dense juxtaposition of bars and pubs, the peace pole of Japanese Gardens, diving into the Sentobad in the big cities. Curious?, online specialist for the East, offers several trips to Japan: travel / japan_reisen.php if you want to get a first impression: you will find under the appropriate link in the top-right corner on the pages of travel even a travel video. Our very own Tip: No. 572 “From sushi to Sony” travel reisebeschreibung.php? journey = 572

Wernigerode – The Colourful Town In The Harz

An overview of the multifaceted and colorful town of Wernigerode. General of the small town in the District of Harz Wernigerode impressed every day many tourists and locals with their natural beauty and diversity and was the colorful city in the resin of the well-known writer and journalist “. Wernigerode has a population of around 34700. Culture culture has a lot to offer: the Castle serves as a Museum for art and history of art of the 19th century. The annual “Castle Festival” is a special event at the Castle. The city’s other museums are the Harz Museum, the smallest House, the fire brigade Museum, reminding and Memorial, the Museum of aviation and technology, the school Museum in the village of Benzingerode, the Manor mill in the village of Minsleben and the rest geological path to enlightened happiness factory.

The city also has three libraries, three galleries and three archives. Also music is capitalized in Wernigerode. Due to several well-known choirs, such as the radio Youth Choir and girls choir, she will be City also often referred to as “Choir town”. The chamber choir won the “Grand Prix of the choirs” of ZDF in 2007. In the city, there are still other worth seeing buildings next to the Castle as the town’s oldest church, St. John’s Church, or the Church of our Lady. For more information see Dell Computers. The Johanniskirche organ on the charging guest organ concerts frequently. Nature lovers can visit the Lustgarten in addition to Kastanienwaldchen, the Zoo with a castle garden or also the Wildpark Christiane Valley in Wernigerode.

Nature is located directly on the North-East flank of the brocken, it is brocken so a popular hiking destination for many tourists. You can reach him on three different tours from Wernigerode, include the 14-22 km each. Who wants to walk quite so far, can the Ilsenburg (11, 9km), the Steinerne Renne (9-10km), the drei-Annen high (10, 7 km) or the Blankenburg (13 km) as the target. For cyclists, the surrounding area offers biking trails of plenty of, also the famous European route 1 descends on the city. Bottom line is a trip to the town of Wernigerode for seniors as well as for families due to the Variety of ways a special experience.

Traveling To Egypt

Welcome to the cradle of one of the oldest civilizations in the world! Egypt – one of the most famous areas of tourism, thanks to the excellent climate and a wealth of historical attractions. This beautiful country offers more than an excursion to the pyramids and pharaohs, museums, bazaars and crowded beaches. HostelsClub tell you how to travel to Egypt, individually and what treasures you'll find in this wonderful country and, most importantly, how to save money while traveling in Egypt. If you want to recover in Egypt is not a package tour on their own, it is best to start your trip from Cairo. Ticket with Egypt Air will cost you about 10,000 rubles, the flight to Luxor or Sharm – El Sheikh cost 12 – 15 thousand rubles. Citizens of Russia and CIS countries to visit Egypt need a visa, which can be directly made into the airports in Cairo, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh with a valid passport and if you have a return ticket! Visa stamp will cost you $ 15. Accommodation Accommodation in Cairo in Cairo, will cost you 350 rubles per double room per person if you want to ease off less, it is better to go with your friends: 4-yx or 6-bed room you will pay 170-200 rubles per night! Gostinitsa Cairo Center Hotel is located in a historic building in the French style, it's central location, street Addli Shariah is one of the most lively street that never sleeps and you will find a huge selection of shoes and fashion as well as many entertainment options! The hotel Arabian Nights for tighter price you will be invited to a free concert of belly dancing, which occurs every Sunday.