Consumers Union

According to recent studies and statistics, the low-cost leads. Hiring a onlinea and for payment in advance may be up to 13% less expensive than using another method. The first step came with the airlines, trains were then and now little by little too large rental companies and other travel services and tourism. All companies have settled in advance of new technologies and low-cost push. The sector of the rental companies try not to lose that flip with respect to new sales channels Yasi, many have been forced to revise its prices downward. Not only because of economic circumstances, also because of the competition, it also gained strength on the Internet.

Simpler and cheaper it means for internet users book their services have led to the car rental companies to provide power to elect, hire extra services and book with a single click, without leaving home, facing the your computer screen. However, it is advisable to follow a series of recommendations to rent a car: If you rent a car, should not allow him to charge a full day for a few hours more, if not only for the exact time it has used. Otherwise do not hesitate to order the book claims. According to Consumers Union it is illegal. You can not charge a service is not available. Remember that the law only covers the collection of real-time service. However, the companies say that this form of rent is widespread in the industry, and even referred to in the contracts, as billed by the hour just is, so far, a project. Neither should be allowed to prevent irregular practices for Rent at age 24 years or the need to submit in advance a credit card., one of the best known companies in Spain, provides its services in compliance with these recommendations so that together with their great prices and vast network of offices, making it the most reasonable option in Spain.