Information Society

As a matter of Howard Rheingold 5 human groups that use telecommunications devices take on new forms of social power, new ways to organize their interactions and exchanges at the right time and right place. This tension is the product of desenclaje the subject of space and time categories from which he constructed his identity, and since "the vast majority of Citizens do not have access to the benefits of information and communication technologies, which involves the development of Information Society in many areas it is clear that understanding is not completed by this (s) new (s) reality (s) 6. The truth is not designing new tools but rather to reflect on what can be done with existing ones to clean up our human development. The three previously proposed evoked sociologists each: Retrieve a company that provides people the feeling of having a personal project, enabling them to rebuild their experiences as part of something culturally and socially integrated: Alain Touraine. Skip to uncertainty in the construction of valid modes, move by society and family, to get things, because many changes have their good side and the world appears with many possibilities even though financial markets create different relationships to encourage risk and competitiveness in a natural way: Anthony Giddens. Managing networks properly, this is from the knowledge of a new dialectic that happens to connect to the network which is equivalent to and disconnect from the network as redundant, having no value: Manuel Castells. Communication in the Information Society and Digital Communication Communication networking in this environment and its support become the final instance for social expansion of economic, political, cultural, educational, etc., Overcoming the possibility of censorship and access to privileged sources of knowledge. .


The next way is opposite to the first speed – ir. This is an outdated method that has many shortcomings, but it still has a place to be. To contact phone or computer, if the phone ir port, you must have IrDA adapter for your computer. Additional information at Robotics supports this article. When purchasing an adapter, check the driver bundled him. After installing the drivers and programs, if done correctly, the operating system should display a message that the adapter is detected a new device, whose name will be the phone model. Ali Partovi can aid you in your search for knowledge. Only problem, but drivers may be the location of the ir port of your phone and the adapter out of sight, as the zone of direct visibility – an obligatory factor in the infrared.

The most convenient, perhaps, the connection will be phone and pc via Bluetooth, of course, if supported by phone and you have a Bluetooth-adapter. All actions are the same as in the method described above, except for line of sight. Since Bluetooth uses radio channels and low-power transceiver for transmission of information needed to devices located within a radius of 10-15 meters apart, but even a thin partition between the two devices can significantly reduce the speed and performance. As usual, the problem here may be not only properly installed device drivers. For those who have the word "driver" is different questionable associations, explain. Driver is a program that allows the operating system to communicate with any device. Many think that this means of communication device or pc is finished, but it is not. Do not forget about this method of communication as a Wi-Fi. Now, new line telephone, even no longer hi-end model class, have the support of this technology, which means that if you have a laptop or Wi-Fi adapter for the pc, then you can easily establish a connection without installing any drivers and maintain this relationship for fairly good distance. The reason for not finding the device can be set by an option to restrict access to a telephone or a computer via Wi-Fi. For elimination in the phone settings, clear limits and then search for Wi-Fi devices.