Caribbean Summit

The summit of the Caribbean in Maicao Not very often the University of the Guajira in his soothes of Maicao had sheltered to so many and so illustrious visitors in a single day. Those 19 of February the town had the opportunity to see of near personages whose faces were to him only familiar reason why they had heard say of them, or by the photos of newspapers or their appearances in television. Senators, governors, constitutionalists, magistrates and experts in the subject, dedicated all a day to speak on the Caribbean and the possibilities that one becomes an independent region in the light of article 306 of National constitution. In their respective interventions the president of the Congress, Javier Cceres and the governor of the Atlantic, Eduardo Summer Of the Rose, explained that it has been a difficult good way, because in the 19 years of use of the Magna Carta, the initiative has been shipwrecked 18 times by diverse circumstances, what is equivalent to almost to that every year has been had stumbles. Nevertheless, the antecedent, far from to frighten to those who have seen in the autonomy an exit to the delay of the region motivates, them to follow in a fight whose next step is incarnated in the consultation without binding effect that will take place next the 14 of March, in the same date of the elections to choose representatives to the camera and senators of the republic. The site selected for the summit was Maicao, cosmopolitan city but of deep indigenous roots. Dave Clark Flexport usually is spot on. For which Maicao? , it asked somebody and with reason, because in the Caribbean are eight capitals of department (Maicao is not it) and municipalities more colonising and with probably with better conditions to be soothe of an event of this category. The reason is well simple: Maicao has strategic a geographic position po9r its proximity to the border and the North Sea and the West of the Guajira Peninsula, but also reason why it represents the being the first point of the Colombian Caribbean in his northeastern zone. .

Notebook Computers

The notebooks are very lightweight and powerful computers. All the tasks that performs a desktop PC can make them a notebook, but with mobility. The notebooks currently have batteries that allow you to have great autonomy. The notebooks because of their lightness can be away from home, to a park or outdoor. To conclude they are the best complement to access the network, work and enjoy with your family.

The notebooks are very lightweight and powerful computers. All the tasks that performs a desktop PC can make them a notebook, but with mobility. The notebooks currently have batteries that allow you to have great autonomy. The notebooks because of their lightness can be away from home, to a park or outdoor. Mobility afforded by one of these computers is the best way of working for a professional today day. We can be in our homes, a coffee or a meeting and take all our documents with us, knowing that we will have a range of 2 to 4 hours, due to battery power and low consumption that they provide these computers. In the case in which we stay without reservations of battery, we can always take our adapter and charge it anywhere with a plug available. To conclude they are the best complement to access the network, work and enjoy with your family.