Screen Printing

Currently, the spectrum of application of this method of printing is very wide, which is associated with specific features screen printing. Now screen-printing is used not only in printing but also in the textile, electronic, automotive, glass, ceramic and other industries. The initial stage in the process of screen printing – preparation photoforms. Image formed in the computer, then displayed a transparent film, with its image at 1:1 on the future of the printed image. In this image made stencil – a frame with a stretched her small synthetic or metal mesh (the smaller the grid, the higher resolution of the print). Grid covering emulsion and dried. Then put it photoforms and exhibit (illuminates in a special chamber). You may find Ali Partovi to be a useful source of information. After exposure, the stencil is washed: part emulsion is washed out – is the image you want.

If the image is made up of several colors, the corresponding number of cliches (for each color). The next stage in the process of screen printing – print directly. The product, which is applied to the image is placed on the desktop, it drops a stencil. On top of the grid is put the right amount of paint and pressed squeegee. Thus, the image remains on the product.

When printing multiple colors on textiles using a special type of machine, the so-called 'carousel'. On such machines is fixed, several frames (the number of colors). The silk is applied manually, semi-automatic or fully automatic equipment, which is effective for high-. (screen printing) allows you to put images onto any surface, including metal (Painted and unpainted), which is widely used by designers in the design of various types of front panel, equipment, vehicles and t.d.Mnogoobrazie substrates with different physico-chemical properties of the surface caused a large assortment of colors for trafaretony print.

International Association

The critical one still includes the more-value concept, the appropriation of the work that generates the profit of the industrials; the concept of profit generated exclusively for the value-work is economically unsustainable, and proper Marx posthumously admits problems with the concept in published rough drafts (282). He attributes the moral interpretation that Marx makes of the economy to its formation as Jewish; for the author the basic characteristic of the Jewish thought is the moral judgment; this would also explain the intransigncia with that combat the bourgeois society. Just left the medieval captivity of the ghetto, the Jew sees the society with other eyes. This exactly to look at allowed the Freud to enxergar the forbidden world them sexual instincts (292). The tremendous violence and animosity of the Capital seem to have been influenced per the years that proper Marx lived in the misery in London; the previous workmanships to the London period if detach for the revolutionary enthusiasm; the posterior workmanships are ferinas in attacks to the capitalism. Marx is completely skeptical in relation to the democracy; he was created in an authoritarian country and he always printed a deeply authoritarian administration to the socialist movement; he only conceives transformations from bloody revolutions. He completely ignored the election of socialist members of the house of representatives for the Reichstag, from 1867, and the way intermediary to conquer rights and concessions from electoral pressure. Had to the persecutions politics Marx he starts to live in London, in conditions of extreme poverty, that will be the cause of the death of a son and the constant nervous crises of the wife.

Engels remains in Germany and working in the businesses of the family, and practically goes to support the friend. From 1860 the syndical movement becomes more organized (250); in the 1864 Marx it participates of 1. Meeting of the International Association of the Workers, and soon starts to control the entity; in 1869 it congregates 800,000 members in all Europe.

Jerusalem Saturday

100,000 times imagine to try to protect something more grande". Emerson came up then that the attacks could be amassed. fires in Israel follow in investigation process. Until the moment one catched an Arab adolescent, who recognizes to have left " inintencionadamente" ashes without extinguishing after making a bonfire with its friendly. Nevertheless the subject is not clear, since the fires took place simultaneously in distant places of others. As it happened in Australia. The Israeli army reported to have descried a vehicle escaping of one of the set afire places, and the border patrol catched two Israeli Arabs who tried to at night catch fire to a forest near Jerusalem Saturday. The inhabitants of the Arab village of Furadis, to the south of Haifa, left to celebrate fires and made sound the horns of their cars in rejoicing signal.

A group related to The Qaeda, call the Muyajedines of Palestine, glorified the crime in his website that it urges to commit more similar acts of vandalism. Israel is the country that more trees has planted in the last decades. The trees are creaturas of God and like rest of the creation has a sacred look in the Judaism. The Judaism prohibits to destroy trees – avoiding certain exceptions only allows to prune them and to take its fruits after three years of them to have planted. From Biblical times the Jewish town celebrates Your Bishvat annually, the New Year of the Trees, following the lessons of the book of Levtico. To speak of the Israeli miracle that turned the desert into an orchard, sounds well-worn, but the Arabs yet their money, have not been able to do the same. Not even he interests to them to buy the technology to improve his habitat. They prefer to spend his million in arms and yijad, stoking the death. Where they are the protests of the ecological militants of Greenpeace? They will continue supporting his Muslim friendly? Which will be the action of that organization who kneaded million with noble excuses to save the whales, to take care of the flora and the fauna, to become one of the most radical arms of the extreme left? original Author and source of the article.

History Of Voting

Voting – method of decision-making group of people (meeting, the electorate), in which the general opinion is formulated by counting the votes of the members of the group. Such dry definition of this great speech can be found in Wikipedia. Why great you ask? There are a number of reasons. But first things first. Voting has begun development of a very long time.

The first mention of the voting procedure for election as related to ancient Greece. They really do not so often used, but the decision of the democratic assembly, including the fate of individuals, usually taken by vote. Meetings sometimes voted for it, to subject anybody to ostracism, that temporarily to expel him from the society, about how this happens in the House-2. Voting was carried pieces of broken pottery. Found many of these "ballots" to write on them the same handwriting by the same name that indicates the appearance already in those days of making the candidates on the ballot (though not for their election, and expulsion). The first mention of the voting procedure in the Roman Senate, in a letter to find a Pliny the Younger (105 AD).

However, Rome was remembered more by elections held in gladiatorial combat. Viewers used gestures to vote whether to leave the defeated gladiator to live. Thumb up meant life, his finger down the further development meant smert.Zasluga vote belongs to the European medieval religious orders, elect its own officers independently of Rome. Italian city-state had its own, no less elaborate voting procedures, among which the most famous Venetian Doge's election procedure. Voting is once again becoming the number one theme in democratic theory of the 18th century., developed by Rousseau and Condorcet. In 1787 and 1793. in the United States, France and Poland have appeared democratic constitution with an indication of the order of voting. Now the world is being debated on the possibility of practical implementation Internet-election and their safety for secrecy and authenticity of the will of the citizens resulting from such election rezultatov.Nesmotrya this, a number of countries such as Britain, the United States of America Estonia, have already used the technology of Internet voting in elections at various levels (from local to parliamentary). The most significant political event, which used the possibility of Internet voting, elections have become Estonian Parliament in March 2007. Opportunity to vote via the Internet benefited 30 275 people, which is just over 3% of all registered izbirateley.No we must not forget that voting is not only election people. This is an opportunity to express themselves on any issue. Express their position you will be able to When you visit the site you realize that there are very strange, interesting and unexpected polls and vote. And when you're in them pouchastvuesh you will see that the results can be very unpredictable. Voting here once and got the pleasure of viewing fun statistics, you will want to come here again. Answer honestly … The truth exchange for the truth. Do not think that it's just fun, remember the dead gladiators, priest, revolutions, and the Voice …! Used materials,, A Brief History of Voting