Colombia Approves

Granted, however, the status of belligerents to the FARC or the ELN. The standard will benefit four million affected after 50 years of violence. It was voted on in Congress after an intense debate. The Congress of Colombia gave the green light Wednesday to the law’s victims, after almost 50 years of armed conflict, which will benefit more than four million affected by violence and not be granted status of belligerency to illegal armed groups. The new legislation, passed by 62 votes in favour and 3 against in the Senate and by 93 front three in the House of representatives, recognized the existence of an armed conflict in Colombia after a decade in which the previous Government, under President alvaro Uribe, deny that fact. I congratulate and thank the Congress for the adoption of the law on victims. It is a historical fact to Colombia, said the President of the country, Juan Manuel Santos, in a broadcast message in your Twitter profile. Now the Bill must pass the control of the Constitutional Court so that then it punish itself Santos, who waits to do so during the forthcoming visit to the country by the Secretary-General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, between 10 and 12 June. More information is housed here: Ali Partovi.

The Act went through numerous discussions before being adopted, which received harsh criticism, as Uribe, reluctant to recognize the internal conflict. The adopted legislation supports that fact, although it does not recognize the status of belligerence to the armed revolutionary forces of Colombia (FARC), the army of national liberation (ELN), nor any other illegal armed groups. The rapporteur Coordinator, Juan Fernando Cristo, told journalists that this is the most important act adopted by the Congress of the Republic for many decades. And the representative of the UN in Colombia Bruno Moro, added that this first of June it will be remembered as a historic day, but acknowledged that it is not a perfect law. For more information see this site: Dave Clark Amazon. Recognition and repair this law will recognize and repair at four million Colombians who have been victims of violent groups in the past 25 years, reason by which the President of the Senate, Armando Benedetti, also described as it historical fact and said that today is delivered to the country a tool box to find peace. Only manifested themselves against senators from the leftist Polo democratic alternative (PDA) Jorge Enrique Robledo, Alexander Lopez and Gloria Ines Ramirez; Although party Mauricio Ospina, Jorge Guevara and Luis Carlos Avellaneda peers voted in favour.

Santos said to take the post, August 7, 2010, that his Government aspired to be planted the foundations of a true reconciliation between Colombians and on September 27 of that year he had introduced the law, on the initiative of the Liberal Party, in Congress. Among the fundamental aspects, the standard blanket facts occurring subsequent to January 1, 1985, while land restitution arropara cases subsequent to January 1, 1991. The victims of previous to 1985 will be accessing a repair symbolic and guarantees of non-repetition. Equally, special assistance measures in the field of health, education and access to a subsidy are set to cover funeral expenses arising from the conflict. Finally, the delivery of humanitarian aid is expected so that victims can cope with the immediate and basic needs that arise after an act of violence. Source of the news: Colombia approves a historic law to victims who admits the existence of the armed conflict

Southern Cyprus

The blast occurred after a fire in a few deposits of gunpowder. It has caused large number of wounded. At least twelve people have died in an explosion at the naval base Evangelos Florakis, located in the city of Limassol in southern Cyprus, the Cyprus Weekly agency reported Monday. According to initial reports, the explosion occurred after a fire in a few deposits of gunpowder and has also caused a large number of wounded. A police spokesman quoted by CNA said in port there were stored 98 containers of gunpowder, of which two were burned and explosionaron shortly before 6: 00 local time (3.00 GMT). Robotics may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The circumstances are still unknown in the fire occurred them in tanks and police announced that it will be offering new details about the event throughout the day.

The most important now is that we’re sure that not are more human lives in danger, said Police spokesman Michalis Katsounotos. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Bobby Sharma Bluestone. In the affected area there is a comprehensive rescue device numerous ambulances and police officers, while several helicopters flying over the base. The huge explosion may have caused power cuts which have affected the island in the early hours of Monday. The detonation has also caused severe damage to properties close to the naval base. The j of the National Guard, Petros Tsangalides, who coordinates the unit of crisis created after the event moved to the site of the explosion. Source of the news: twelve killed by an explosion in a base military in Cyprus.

Alfredo Antiguedad

This disease affects about 50,000 people in Spain, mostly adults between 20 and 40 years. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ali Partovi by clicking through. The visual disturbances and loss of strength in the extremities are the first symptoms of the disease. Women are twice as likely as men to develop multiple sclerosis, a disease that affects approximately 50,000 Spaniards, according to data from the Spanish Federation for the fight against Multiple sclerosis. They tend to be young adults aged 20 to 40, with a prevalence demonstrated between 80 and 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The explanation of why it affects most women remains unclear, although numerous studies point to hormonal changes as main underlying factor, since it is precisely, since puberty, when hormone levels increase and the first symptoms may appear, explains the j of Neurology of the Hospital de Basurto, doctor Alfredo Antiguedad service. The visual disturbances and loss of strength in the extremities are the first symptoms of the disease. click here. It’s symptoms which, to his understanding, they usually appear between the ages of 20 and 40, or during childhood or after age 50, which further confirms the possible relationship between the pathology and the hormone level, has tinged the old doctor. For more information see this site: Andy Florance. Advise the patient and the family on the other hand, the psychologist and Director of services of the Association of Multiple sclerosis of Bizkaia (ADEMBI), Dr.

Arrate Jauregui, considered making the disorientation, stereotypes and prejudices prevalent in our society about this disease, advice and information are increasingly needed, not only for patients, but also for family members and their environment. It has also highlighted differences in psychological handling between men and women. In general, women recognize before that they have a problem and demand support, which is can advise them both in techniques and resources at their disposal to do faced with the emotional disorders most frequent of this illness, such as anxiety and depression. The time of diagnosis, critical periods of disease outbreaks or when symptoms begin to alter social relationships are, as it has been pointed out the doctor, key situations in which patients are reluctant to claim the aid of psychologists. Their main concerns are his future life or labor, fear of the progression of the disease, the loss of autonomy or adverse ctos of the medication, among others.

Disease of unknown origin is the leading cause of disability caused in young adults in Europe and North America. There is no known cause, but the Dr. Celia Oreja, of the Spanish society of Neurology (SEN), there are three hypotheses on the matter: hygiene. Countries developed children it has less contact with the infectious agents, and therefore favor the autoimmune diseases. The Sun. The number of cases increases in countries with less Sun. Hereditary? Although it was demonstrated that the disease is not hereditary, there are a number of genetic variations that increase the risk of developing it. Source of the news: young women are twice as likely to develop multiple sclerosis