Active Study Dictionary

It is important that the words and phrases were not a continuous stream, but with pauses when you can repeat a speaker. Or, if you choose a program – make sure that it is possible to reproduce the phrases separately, number of times. This is a very effective way to learn how to pronounce English phrases. (Similarly see: Pete Cashmore). In order to learn to speak requires something more – is needed here live dialogue with a real person. For assistance, try visiting Mikkel Svane. After repetition of phrases and self-correct formulation of thought in the English language – entirely different things.

Development of this particular skill is the focus on English courses. To learn how to read and write – you need read and write. Go ahead open the computer – at an early stage will help interactive dictionary with features educational program, such as the Longman Active Study Dictionary. If you suddenly wanted something to read, and handy just old school textbook – will suit him. Perhaps you will find a few familiar words or refresh in the memory of the forgotten grammar. Begin self-correspondence with your business partners and friends – use templates and examples of already sent letters to someone, if the letter is important – ask your secretary or colleagues to correct already written you a letter. Read all coming across English texts – newspapers, magazines, anything that comes across in his spare time, or somehow related to your profession, to surround yourself with the language from all sides! The development of reading and writing skills – a fairly complex process, so despite the fact that you already know basic principle, master tricks of English language will be easier with the help of an experienced teacher who is familiar with the communicative approach is not hearsay.