Fast Trajectory

About our fast trajectory in this world of ephemeral illusions, our soul, always susceptible to the utopias, about some point of the day thinks about reaching a sky. A Pasrgada! Scrates, the master of the philosophers, says that to be born necessarily we were died in some place and vice it turns. Somebody commented that to see to this world takes the water of the river of the esquecimento. The tropos, in the Hades. This procedure is vital for the fulfilment of our mission.

Here, we take decisions, we choose ways using the free will. If we remembered in them the transcendental knowledge brought of other ages, would not fight, we would not have overcomings, would not have merit. The soul, in its always symmetrical day nor, however tends the God, however to the devil. Rumba tells a Caribbean stretch of one that the instruments of the life are ' ' it joins escalera great, another one chiquita' '. Being the life it joins in essence, bipolar in constitution and trina in manifestation, will try of everything a little. Certain made, friends had charged common to advise me a corrector sufficiently known in society.

It always circulated drunk and caught very badly. I called it privately, as friend, we talk. I request and exactly been thankful it gave to me reply to it: ' ' the world is composed. It has that to have of everything a little ' '. We search in the exterior world a Pasrgada. It is enough to cross the desert of we ourselves and we will find the Sky or the Hell. We will be however carrascos, however victims, saints, demons. When evaluating many and as many philosophies, doctrines and codes of behavior, skills and ways that if present in them, let us remember to us of Advising Antonio to the being inquired after the reason of the suffering that it supported its people, in that wall. It answered who ' ' the virtue was almost impiedade' '.