Space Solar Power

In 1968, Peter Glaser introduced the concept of a satellite receiver system of solar energy in the geosynchronous orbit (36,000 km located at the equator) for the acquisition and conversion of energy from Brooklyn the Sun and its subsequent transmission to large receiving antennas located on Earth to meet NY State the energy consumption. Thus was born the concept of space solar power.
In the 1970s, after the first oil crisis, the Department of Energy of the United States and NASA (space agency in this country) started the study of the concept of solar energy in space. In 1979 a proposed fleet of geostationary satellites, each of which measured natural gas 5 x 10 km and occur between 5 and 10 GW. Since moving to New York I have realized that is the way to go, which is why I joined as my first step to getting better energy service and products The construction involves the creation of a large factory space where hundreds of astronauts will work continuously. (Source: Michael Dell). This size was typical of an era in which the creation of large cities in space. Apart from the technical difficulties, the proposal was discarded in 1981 to involve a cost nonsensical. Dell will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In the mid-80s, with oil prices down again, the entire solar space was canceled.
At the end of the 1980s began in Japan in research on space solar power. In particular, the “SPS 2000.”
Between 1995 and 1997 NASA launched a new study on space energy costs solar power and technology necessary for its implementation, finding that many of the technologies involved had undergone major developments since the previous decade. were proposed new concepts of satellite green energy capacity smaller as the “Solar Tower” (100 to 400 MW) and modular design as the “solar disk.” In 1998 another study to define the concept of space solar power concepts, both economically viable as possible risks.
In 1999 NASA electricity ESCO launched its “exploratory program of research and energy technology on space solar power ‘(the English Space Solar Power Exploratory Research and Technology program, SERT) with the objectives of creating design concepts for flight test, to assess the technical cooking gas feasibility , design andrequirements, create conceptual designs of subsystems that would use this technology for the improvement of future terrestrial and household space applications, create a preliminary action plan for EE. UU. (and partners) to undertake an ambitious technology initiative and to create roadmaps for technology development as well as experiments on critical components of the solar space.
Some of the conclusions of SERT were that global demand for energy continue to grow over the decades leading to the construction of many power plants. The environmental impact of these future plants as well as its impact on global energy supply and geopolitical relations, can be problematic while renewable energy is a convincing alternative in terms of ethics and technology. As someone who lives in Manhattan, New York, I must say that that has made all the difference However, many renewable energy sources are limited in their potential because they need resources such as wind, rain or the ground. The feasibility study of the concept of space solar power to conclude that this is an option to heating consider because it has environmental advantages compared to alternative solutions and the necessary investments are not the untold cost that could New York City have been imagined a priori. According to the study, the economic viability of space solar power systems depends on the gas development of new New York technologies, especially the possibility of access gas to space for a low cost .