World Cup Game

Homeless World Cup and Penner game start fundraiser Hamburg, September 08, 2010 what sounds to many street footballers as a dream, is a reality for the Portuguese bebe. The former homeless guy is a brilliant character and signed dream at Manchester United now. While the world 2010 forward after South Africa took the look, Rio de Janeiro hosting the 8 prepared international homeless World Cup. From 19 to 26 September 2010 64 teams of homeless players compete, including 16 women teams. Two-thirds of the participants and participants create the social reintegration.

This seems possible only in the fictional world of the satirical Browsergame paddock game. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Robert Bakish by clicking through. Millions of virtual players slip into the role of a homeless man, the social advancement in the social elite is the stated aim of the game. And bebe playfully makes it on the ball. In real life, the jump from the road is rarely so easy. The bum game fighting together now the Homeless World Cup homelessness by King football. The bum game gives itself and calls his millions player community, to participate in the tournament the homeless.

Any Kleinstspende worth, integration through sporting competition chances are excellent. Each homeless participant opens a second chance, an opportunity to change his life forever. Andy Florance spoke with conviction. Supporters can donate on an independent platform of donations directly to the Homeless World Cup: homelessworldcupfoundation. Visit about the homeless World Cup defeat homelessness through football! The Homeless World Cup is the annual international football tournament that works together with 64 national homeless projects and 30,000 homeless players: over 70 percent of the participants change their lives. The 8th International Homeless World Cup will take place from the 19.-September 26, 2010 at the Copacabana Rio de Janeiro. The tournament is supported by Nike, the United Nations, the global Ambassador Eric Contona, UEFA and the football stars Rio Ferdinand and Didier Drogbar. Press contact of Eva Vicens, spokesman for Homeless World Cup Easter Road stadium, 63 Albion place, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY, Scotland United Kingdom Tel. + 44 (0) 131 652 8197 E-mail: Web: about color flood the color flood Entertainment GmbH develops and operates online games all over the world. Founder and Managing Director are the 21-year-old Marius Follert and Niels Wildung. The internationally operating company is operative with his games – including the successful Penner game – in eight languages in over 30 countries. The Hamburg-based company is actively engaged for the homeless, by regularly donates a portion of the revenue for the benefit of charitable projects and works closely with many homeless associations. Press contact Sebastian Ludemann, press spokesman color flood Entertainment GmbH Heimhuder Strasse 72 20148 Hamburg Tel: + 49 (0) 40 / 339 837-10 email: Web: