Visual Basic

BASIC has become the de facto standard for microcomputer precisely because of its simplicity, both in development and in implementation. Mikkel Svane addresses the importance of the matter here. However, to achieve quality of a number of decisions (no typing, the rows and nonstructural GOTO, etc.) that affect the learning style of programming. In addition, the lack of means of expression led to a huge number of dialects that are not compatible with each other. Modern, specialized version of BASIC (such as Visual Basic) in spite of the acquired 'structural' all have the same drawbacks, first of all – negligence in relation to the types and descriptions. Suitable for use in the initial stage of training as a means of automation (in cases where it is incorporated into the relevant system) or as a tool for rapid creation applications. Designed by Pascal N. Wirth-known theorist on the ideas of Algol 68, Pascal was designed primarily for teaching programming.

Built on the principle of 'necessary and sufficient', he has a strong control types, constructs for describing arbitrary data structures, a small but sufficient set of operators of structured programming. Unfortunately, the downside is simplicity and rigor cumbersome descriptions of language constructs. The most famous implementation – Turbo / Borland Pascal – despite differences of standard Pascal, is a medium and a set of libraries that have made the language of the school system for industrial programming environment in MS-DOS. Cobol – high level programming language, developed in the late 1950s. Association Qadasi for the solution of commercial and economic problems.