Furniture Association

there is the joy of Chinese manufacturers and bitter disappointments of Russian and some European furniture workaholics. Today, China already produces 16,2% of world furniture. China has more than 50,000 furniture enterprises, which employ over five million workers. As a major manufacturer of furniture, and China claims to be the world’s leading exporter. Still some ten years ago, exports of Chinese furniture was approximately 1,3 billion dollars.

In 2001, the volume of shipments reached 4 billion, and the 2002nd this index exceeded 5.4 billion U.S. dollars. The average annual growth – over 30%! Analysts say that if exports will grow at the same pace, then after 7-8 years, China will actually be able to go into first place in the world in terms of exports of furniture products. Business castling? Already, some major players in the furniture business, refused to fight with the Chinese expansion into their territory. Such large U.S. companies as “Hooker”, “LZetBoy”, “Lexington”, cut production in the U.S.

and a planned move it abroad. National Furniture Association recommends that U.S. U.S. forces focus on other markets. The most promising partner is China and some other Asian countries. Incidentally, in the struggle for the active development of the Asian market and involved a number of European firms. Design, price, quality stereotype of the “China – means poor quality” no longer corresponds to reality. Experts note that as a result of the steady expansion of cooperation between China and foreign countries in the Chinese furniture industry have been significant positive changes, in particular, significantly increased the level of design and product quality. In the manufacture of furniture using high quality raw materials to work in the factory involved only qualified engineers and workers who were trained in the Italian and German companies and have relevant professional certificates. Today, more confident talking about combination of Italian and other European technology with a responsible and hardworking upbringing Chinese furniture makers who successfully produce any quality furniture: kitchens, living room furniture, bedroom and nursery, a variety of tables and chairs, office furniture. Chinese furniture is made from quality materials. For the production of high-quality Chinese furniture uses many different types of wood, two of them are purely Chinese and The most valuable – and it huali zitan. The first – from a tropical tree that grows in China and has a wide range of colors. Its lighter varieties are called huang (yellow) huali, but darker – lao (orange) huali. Now for the raw materials in recent time, Chinese manufacturers have sharply intensified search for stable sources of raw materials outside their own country. Today, the main supplier to China of roundwood is Russia. Experts estimate that it delivers about 6 million cubic meters annually. For Russia follow Malaysia, Gabon and Papua. Gradually, the Chinese are beginning to dominate not only in the Russian Far Eastern forests, but also in the Far East furniture market. Having been removed timber imported into Russian Chinese furniture assortment of good quality. Expensive models are made from mdf, which on the strength of the above conventional particleboard. Another no less quality material is plywood. Cases, when under European brands (mostly German), it represented the furniture made in China for export to Europe.

MAC Computers

The hub, which has only two ports, called the bridge. The bridge needed to connect two network elements. Network with Hub is a "common rail". Data packets during transmission through the hub to be delivered to all computers connected to the LAN. There are two types of hubs. Passive hubs. These devices send a signal obtained without pretreatment.

Active hubs (repeaters mnogopostovye). Receive incoming signals, process them and send to the connected computers Switches Switches are needed to organize a closer connection between the computer network, the sender and the destination computer. In the process of data transmission through a switch in his memory can be written about MAC-addresses of computers. With this information, the switch is a routing table in which each of the computers listed him of belonging sion a specific network segment. When you receive a packet switch data, it creates a special internal connection (segment) between its two ports, using the routing table. It then sends the data packet to the appropriate port of the destination computer, based on information described in the packet header.

Thus, the compound is isolated from other ports, which allows computers to exchange information with maximum speed, which is available for the network. If switch there are only two ports, it is called a bridge. The switch provides the following capabilities: to send a packet with the data from one computer to the destination computer, increase the data rate Router A router on the principle of operation resembles a switch, but has a larger set of features, he examines not only the MAC, and IP-addresses of both computers involved in data transmission.