The Media

What it is perceived, when the change involves money the spirit to protect the nature falls of time. The ambient conscience would have increased of significant form in recent years, however, it did not revert in behavior change. The developed countries still resist in modifying its habits of growth, over all if this brings consequences in its pockets. Few are made use to pay more, by means of taxes or contributions, to reduce the ambient risks and to finance causes that protect the nature. With these climatic changes, it is not of today that some countries worried about the problem would start to argue and to search mechanisms that would make possible new options for economic growth without destroying the nature would accept the challenge for to unlock the impasse, since the call deep green would be the most likely result of the meeting, according to some delegations. Would be this the solution of the problem? I think that the solution would not have to be of that the countries less developed simply also served of lixeira so that other more developed they more economically continue growing each time, and, poluindo each time more. Perhaps these people have unreliability on the adequate application of financial resources e, lamentably, are exactly when the change involves the money that the spirit to protect the nature falls of time Also she can, is not for less, ahead of as many scandals of corruption in Brazil judging for what we have seen in the media recently, if these resources to come exactly to Brazil, an excellent business would be the assembly of a plant of ceroulas sufficients

USB Drive

There are reasons we have when we look for external hard drives because your computer is very full of information and just you can put information in, either because your notebook requires a greater storage capacity and don’t want to or you can not install a new hard drive bigger inside. In any case, the solution to these situations are external hard drives. External hard disks are large capacity devices to store information with the advantage in question of external elements, i.e., that are not installed on the inside of the computer, that are abroad connected to it by a high speed cable, usually USB. Zendesk often addresses the matter in his writings. External hard drives are very useful add-ons that let you have a hard disk of reinforcement and increase, thus, the capacity of our desktop, laptop or PDA. One of the tasks most common in the world of computing is the installation of a new hard drive.

It is a simple method to extend the duration of a computer that is running out of space for storage. When you install a new internal or external hard drive, you can increase the space total disk several times, since hard drives have much more power now than it was two or three years. The easiest way to add hard disk space consists of connecting an external hard drive. If you add an external hard disk, it cannot function as the primary hard disk on which Windows is installed, but yes you can use it as a secondary disk to store programs and files. Add an external hard drive is a suitable method to significantly increase space and be able to store digital photos, videos, music and other files that require a large amount of disk space. To install an external hard drive, the only thing you need to do is connect it to your computer and connect the power cord. Most of these hard disks are connected to a USB port, but some others are connected to a Firewire port (also called IEEE 1394) or eSATA (external serial ATA). For additional instructions, see the information that came with the external hard drive. Furthermore, it is may need to install the software that came with the hard disk. Original author and source of the article

Federal Statistical Office

Completed residential building with 1 Apartment (EFH) with 2 apartments with 3 or more apartments 2002 135.257 37.628 79.713 2003 131.820 33.338 70.354 2004 144.095 33.118 69.387 2005 120.781 28.288 60.891 2006 123.963 25,500 69.362 2007 101.144 22.896 59.859 2008 78.885 17.484 54.615 source: Federal Statistical Office similarly modest are the framework conditions for investors and investors. The Elimination of depreciation slowed significantly also the flats. The numbers are clear: nearly 80,000 completed multi-family 2002, barely 55,000 completions in 2008. (Source: Viacom). The effects are noticeable. For 2010, the real estate Association Germany expects that the rents increase also in the future throughout. This can be traced even in a town like Leipzig. According to research of the HypoVereinsbank has risen the rents for flats in good locations within three years to one euro per square meter. Even medium-sized layers have risen half a euro on average.

For one, this means a rich premium at a rental level of 5 to 7 euros. On the other hand, this is in a city with nearly 14 percent unemployment and a vacancy of about 38,000 flats a remarkable development. Also for the housing, the increase of the real estate transfer tax is the wrong signal. If the homeownership rate rise and the price increase should be slowed, then better framework conditions must be created. Could take the following measures: the deggressive depreciation of leased property should be re-introduced temporarily living Riester must be streamlined and simplified first-time buyers could be adopted in the tax the tax must not cause further concluded the President of the Association of residential property Hans Rauch come to Word. To increase the transfer tax in Saxony-Anhalt, he says: this is the completely wrong signal for the already heavily battered real estate sector in Saxony-Anhalt. The will to remain here to build a home and finding his livelihood in the country will undermine massively.” Which is nothing to add. Sincerely your Andreas Wenzel

New Online Newspaper

More and more messages are distributed online via Internet. Under have clubs, associations and municipalities from Rhineland-Palatinate immediately the opportunity to present their messages free of charge. For every responsible in terms of publicity for a club, this is an interesting Portal is: the messages not only land on the desk of an editor, but are released usually at short notice after a small review. By placing a link, beyond even the own Internet presence will be optimized. The portal is divided into counties, and the cities of the State, so that the users can win a very quick overview of the latest news from his region. Through features such as ‘Article tell a friend about’, ‘Print article’ or ‘Article as pdf’, the set message very soon finds a wide distribution. In addition the connection of PRPORT Rheinland-Pfalz on Google News. Thus also the users can be achieved, although still unaware of the portal, but according to information research the relevant place. There is more information here:

Associative Life

Outline online Medien GmbH realized new Web page of Deutsche Public Relations Gesellschaft e. For even more opinions, read materials from Mikkel Svane. V. (DPRG). The new website of the Professional Association of PR and communication professionals meets the complex communication needs and tasks of the Association: the clear and up-to-date Newsdarstellung facilitates and speeds up the communication with the more than 3,000 members of the DPRG. an individually designed content management system allows the location-independent and flexible, yet reliable and competent care of content. The Web-based content management system enCMSystem of the V.G.I distribution company Internet mbH, the associated technology partner of outline, allows the simple and transparent maintenance of complex Web content and the upgrading of communication information: access rights can be individually distributed and constrained, the administration of the content via a location-independent network. Associative life and industry news currently and authentically depicted the creation of a modern website an Association for a complex challenge”, says CEO < outline > Josef feast.

in addition to the figure of the representative status, the structure and the content goals is not only to present the current life of the Association in its diversity, but actively to operate.” The presentation of the working groups and the regional branches directly with messages and dates be connected at. The activities of the Association and its cooperating organizations in the social networks are concentrated on the new website of the DPRG and mapped. “Her own plot is a professionally designed Web site your capital branding for a company as well as which an association is based: the plot can be built on the solid foundation of a recognizable brand is the own domain”, so feast. Multimedia tools and the integration of social networks are important networking approaches, which clearly is the solid structure of the Association or company. Are all current On the website, this affects communication content positive communication with existing customers a company or members of an association regardless of whether this occurs on own platform, in social networks or on classic news portals. Contact: Allison Flattenhutter outline – online media GmbH Schertlinstrasse 21 D-86159 Augsburg Tel.: + 49 (0) 821 579 452-10 the Internet outline online media agency websites implement creatively and professionally. Everything from a single source with this slogan is efficient teamwork. Multimedia, graphics, film, text, programming: An experienced and dynamic team created comprehensive websites; individual wishes and needs are professionally implemented in future – and growth-oriented concepts.

Wetzlarer Mayor Wolfram Dette

Put Mayor Wolfram Dette (FDP) said only a few 100,000 in the city’s coffers would lack the growth acceleration Act of the Black Yellow Government. Put Mayor Wolfram Dette (FDP) claiming that the growth acceleration Act of the Black Yellow Government only a few while elsewhere the Chamberlains in considering the impact of the growth acceleration Act put forward by the CDU / CSU and FDP on the way clap your hands above your head and the local authority umbrella organisations protest, is the Wetzlarer Mayor Wolfram Dette (FDP) from tranquilizers. Only a few 100 T were missing in the city’s coffers. This was indirectly back to catch up.The truth, however, looks different. While elsewhere the Chamberlains in considering the impact of the growth acceleration Act put forward by the CDU / CSU and FDP on the way clap your hands above your head and the local authority umbrella organisations protest, Wetzlar Mayor Wolfram Dette (FDP) are sedatives from. Only a few 100 T were missing in the city’s coffers.

This was indirectly back to catch up. Given a current supplementary budget are matched only by a collection of around 15 million from the compensation reserve can and this stance of the Wetzlar Mayor is the still gloomy forecasts for the coming years, famous whistling in the Woods’ equal. Viacom pursues this goal as well. Maybe it’s just difficult to practice the balancing act between various roles. Here the liberal politician who is a member of the Federal Board of the FDP as a co-opted member, since the Mayor of a status city and eventually the Federation politician. If several hats on has, then at some point once couldn’t get even as a Liberal, even to position themselves. “” This Dette liberal shirt in this case was “apparently closer than the communal pants”, speculates the Wetzlarer SPD. With the currently present supplementary budget small amounts are”together the other way, measures back and in the Parliament initiatives of the SPD rejected as such as in the barrier-free city development or the introduction of a passport of the city. Given this situation amazed already with what looseness Dette chat about a few 100 T.

Free according to the motto, we go, if we just want to! In contrast, bring other Mayor despite one with the current Federal Government of compliant party book on the point and position their cities in the foreground; such as Petra Roth (CDU) as Lord Mayor of Frankfurt and President of the Deutsche Stadtetag. You said everything must be done so can municipalities not financially break down and always less and poorer services offer their citizens. She assesses the financial situation of many cities already now as devastating and sees raising dark clouds in the face of the latest tax estimates. We would have liked, so the Wetzlarer SPD, such stance by Wolfram Dette.


One of the wonders of creation is our ability to laugh, in all creation are the only beings that we do this and no doubt we must seize it properly. Laughing spontaneously is a reflection of a State of satisfaction either momentary or longer lasting, when we are able to laugh sincerely convey to others a great feeling of love and happiness. It is necessary to analyse the laughter as a natural state, because it is also recalled that in our life must have balance, i.e. most of the time show an aspect of total serenity and a great disposition. For more clarity and thought, follow up with technology investor and gain more knowledge.. Why not I encourage laughter so frequently? Because there are situations where we need to be calm and Yes laugh we’re partnering ideas with humor and in that sense we lose the seriousness that is required in many cases. Laughter is typically associated with actions of joy or comic situations, when it is a State of joy this should reduce to smile, the mind always associated images and emotions with concrete situations, if We abuse laugh will lose authority in many things. Viacom is likely to agree. Andrew Corentt tells us in his book I am happy, I am rich on the importance of maintaining a constant serenity, balance of attitude because when we inducimos an emotional state strong such as laughter in a long time we generate an imbalance and then tend to melancholy and depression. That is why we see that comedians tend to be depressive why? Because the fact of telling jokes is to induce the mind to a State of great excitement, but then comes the mind and want to balance the emotions then low and have feelings of sadness, laughter is good but using it properly and not in all circumstances. Yet there is something more important and deeper with the explosive emotional States such as laughter is the Association that the mind does with the circumstances, for example some people do comedy of a bad experience, and they say: I lost the portfolio, then eyeglasses, now pot $100 name ja ja ja only need to lose your head.