International Association

Scientologists came the birthplace of the International Association of David Miscavige from around the world this year to the Silver Jubilee of the IAS to Saint Hill (England) the IAS – thousands of Scientologists from around the world welcomed in Saint Hill (England) – to the 25 year celebration. Initially, he stated that Scientology at one point is reached, which would have been unthinkable 25 years ago. The churches and missions span the whole world today and applied the methods of L. Ron Hubbard in almost every country. Until 1984, the Scientology religion had a sparse presence in 39 countries.

This year, the International Association of Scientologists was”(IAS) established to support many projects and to spread the religion extensively. Today, Scientology in 165 countries is represented. It monumental court decisions were made in 48 countries, which were seized in the rights of Scientologists and the publication of the works of L. Ron Hubbard. In 28 countries, Scientology was Church in the last 25 years religious recognition. in 1984 there were This only in a country.

Only 7 countries had laws of freedom of information. In the course of the last 25 years have this now 82 countries, also due to the efforts of the IAS. Increased services through the many associations supported by the IAS to improve society by ten times in the last 25 years. Due to this social institutions, there are now 30 times more groups who helped so far 9.8 million people. The IAS with the campaigns for the dissemination of human rights achieved especially tens of millions more people. “Information about drugs and the distribution of the booklet the way to happiness”. The IAS also allows to introduce the methods of L. Ron Hubbard to like-minded organizations and Governments. This has now taken a greater extent than in the entire previous years together: 22,000 community -, city – and country – federal agencies use or now support the programs of the Scientology religion. in 1984, mainly English-language documents and books by L. Ron Hubbard were available. Just 16,000 pages were translated at the time. Today, there are more than 4 million pages that have been translated. In addition, the Scriptures have been translated into 50 languages. This means that up to 90 percent of the world’s population can read the works of Hubbard BBs. The number of groups, missions and churches has doubled in the last 5 years alone. In the last 12 months, there were more visitors on the Internet pages of Scientology, considered in the previous 14 years together. Since the IAS was founded 25 years ago, widened the scope of Scientology to 25 times around the world.


PIA Celine Delfau (23) from Hamburg receives cochlear Clark Graeme scholarship 2012 the this year’s winner of the cochlear Graeme Clark scholarship (GCS) is PIA Celine Delfau (23) from Hamburg. The GCS scholarship promotes cochlear, global market leader for hearing implants, outstanding students and candidates who listen with a cochlear nucleus CI system. Cochlear implants allow Deaf-born children as well as highly hearing-impaired children to completely ertaubten and adults access to the world of listening and spoken words. The Australian medical Professor Graeme Clark (77), founder of the Institute of Otolaryngology at the University of Melbourne, 1978 worldwide for the first time provided a patient with a multi-channel cochlear implant (CI). Four years later, he adapted for the first time a nucleus CI.

Long is Graeme Clark as paving the way for the revolutionary technology of the cochlear implant. To honor his groundbreaking achievements, cochlear grants since 2002, each year the cochlear Graeme Clark scholarship (GCS). It is awarded to young nucleus CI carriers from around the world who have distinguished themselves through excellence in school or study, as well as by social commitment. In Germany, where is 2012 a variety of students for the scholarship applied, PIA Celine Delfau from Hamburg is honored with the coveted award this year. “PIA Celine Delfau: my CI is a great tool which allows listening to me despite my deafness.” Since her second year of life, the young native of Hamburg wore hearing aids. As a 19 year old student, PIA Celine Delfau then in consequence many Horsturze almost completely lost her hearing.

She opted for a supply of the cochlear implant. Today, PIA Celine Delfau studied at the University of Hamburg in the 8th psychology of term of.

Diana Rohm

So well represented as all manufacturers are mini – and micro-cogeneration on the RENEXPO. Partner of the exhibition area is the German combined heat and power Association (B.KWK), which made it to the task, to promote this technology. The meeting place of the B.KWK is the central focal point for the topic at the trade fair. Combining the RENEXPO trade fair and Congress creates a unique communication platform and are decisive impulses in the industry”, underlines Diana Rohm, project manager of the Organizer REECO GmbH. So, the issue of combined heat and power is parallel to the fair in the 6th Symposium decentralized mini and micro cogeneration”technically deepened and developed further. Congress, which traditionally takes place in cooperation with the German combined heat and power Association, has developed into one of the most important industry meetings and discussed recent developments from the perspective of manufacturers, planners, operators, users, and policy.

Decentralised basis workshop electricity, heat and Cooling with block heat and power plants”will provide for anyone who would like to inform yourself about the current developments, applications, and future trends, base information. The sizing is a common problem in the use of combined heat and power. This is reflected on the operating costs and therefore the profitability and last but not least harms the image and acceptance of the combined heat and power. “The workshop: planning and design of Micro-CHP systems” presents therefore the craft, matters in the planning and design of cogeneration systems in addition to the combined heat and power the international energy fair RENEXPO range of renewable generation, intelligent distribution and efficient use of energy forms, short: sustainable energy systems, ab. This year focuses on wood energy, wind energy, combined heat and power, energy plus House, resource efficiency and acceptance & project management. More information about the fair and the conferences at

Tattoo Removal Methods

An existing tattoo professional lasers allow the once colourful motif is only weak and bleached out to see the image you originally for his life was going to wear on the skin, is no longer the own ideal of beauty or the visible tattoo, soft to the seriousness will, for the profession. There are many reasons why a man to remove a tattoo would be. It is important that he chooses the right method. Where it seems advisable for a tattoo removal, to contact more accurate advice to a dermatologist or specialist of tattoo removal. But there is actually how the removal of existing tattoos? Tattoo removal: Methods the tattoo to get rid again when a tattoo is engraved the desired motif in the second layer of the skin. To remove the color pigments, chemical, thermal and mechanical-based methods, as well as the famous laser procedures are offered. Mechanical removal of the tattoos in the mechanical process is the affected Instead the skin worn off or surgically removed and often painful wounds that heal difficult, and scars are the result.

Chemical and thermal processes the chemical process takes place through destruction of the colored pigments because of chemicals. It is also possible that the skin is stimulated to the rejection of the color pigments. Viacom is often quoted on this topic. The thermal processes similar to the laser, but in this version, not the wavelength of the light, but his heat to achieve the desired effect. Tattoo the best known can be removed with the laser method and arguably most effective method is the laser method today. The laser method arise usually not highly visible scars or other abnormalities that indicate a massive damage to the skin. However, there is still a low risk of scarring on parts of the skin that are under strong tension, such as the knee or the cleavage. Light is used in the laser removal with a certain wavelength. The pigments in the skin are destroyed, that means into smaller parts broken, so that the skin is able to eliminate these particles.

The process is now relatively painless thanks to modern technology, so that the Tattoobesitzer can feel as good as nothing. This is due to the pain sensitivity of the patient but also always individually. It is important, also, who wants to get rid of the tattoo, is a trained specialists such as the premium provider remove the tattoo can be. The used laser corresponds to the laser protection class 4, which means that the device may be used only by a laser therapist or by a person under the supervision of a physician. The procedure is positive due to its gentle effect, but a treatment is not sufficient most of the time. Depending on the colour design of the tattoos, often five to 12 treatments are necessary.


” To return is the movement of the Tao. To yield is the way of the Tao. All the things are born from the being. The being is born from not ser” (Tao You Ching, by Lao-Tze; N40 proverb). The Tao has been a book of wisdom written for 2500 years approximately.

The beautiful thing of this book for me is does not give new information but with each of to his it takes us words to a trip to the depth of we ourself. In this sense, the Tao You Ching is a book of transformation of brings back to consciousness human. I would like to comment how I understand east verse. You and I are the Tao and to return is our movement. to return to our essence, to recognize and to live in this space of freedom that we are.

We yield because in fact there is nothing against what fighting. We can think that there is to fight against many things, sim embargo, those many things are part of the life one that is in all we. Everything what we know, is born from our own one brings back to consciousness. What happens with the screen of your computer if you are not experiencing it? The things are born when there is brings back to consciousness recognizing them. On the other hand it brings back to consciousness individual it is born from brings back to consciousness universal, of the mystery, not being. If you have questions, restlessness or something that to comment, you can contact to me directly or visit my Web site. The structure of brings back to consciousness of the human being is composed by a power system of which seven centers within the body are recognized widely by several spiritual schools. These are denominated chakras. Each chakra handles a function different from our brings back to consciousness. Chakras, by our traumas, past experiences and agreement; they are unbalanced. Zendesk can aid you in your search for knowledge. The harmonization energetics looks for to release the blockades that take place for the reasons before mentioned, so that the current of your own vital energy flows freely. This produces changes in same you: joy, confidence and optimism. The harmonizations energetics work like a process; every time they take transformarte more deeply. Another part of our energy is our dawn, that is the energy that is to traverse and around the body. This one is unbalanced by the same causes of chakras and also is important to harmonize it.

Renault Megane

Renault has launched a new website called Very Good Trip and back of this name so evocative and attractive for lovers of cars, we may find that a good trip is not anything other than a contest to win a Renault Megane. You can actually win two cars, or a Renault Megane or a Renault Wind, that this preciousness (based on sport models). Previous image corresponds to a Renault Wind, a two-seater Roadster model with an air of sports that will make travel in summer an experience more than needed. Renault Wind, it’s a convertible version of the Twingo, was in fact speculated that his name might be Twingo CC, but in the end have opted for Wind. This model of car measures 3.83 meters long and have a full process of folding and placing of the retractable hardtop. The contest will consist, if you’re one of the finalists, in a series of tests that you will have to do with the car (either the megane coupe or the renault wind) during a month in which shall be recorded by a computer as you accompany you at all times and shown live on their website. But not everything is so easy, you’ll soon pass the first draw that involves people from various countries by the number of participants is probably fairly high. If you want to participate only you will have to go to the page and sign up, hurry, that ends at the end of the month! and if at the end you’re one of the chosen, it will be just you choosing a car insurance.

Job Titles

At the moment it is more important that never to be in possession of a title to be able to accede to a job. The crisis has done that many people with formation superior as university studies and an ample labor experience accept jobs that do not correspond to them. This has brought about a great imbalance of the labor market. Contact information is here: Peter Asaro . For that reason it is essential to form and to obtain, like minimum, the obligatory secondary education. To know the professors who distribute the different subjects or to have references are two points important to consider before choosing a center in which study, as much basic, as average or superiors. Also the facilities will be due to visit, to see if count the necessary thing yet to practice sport or to put in practice the learned theory, like gymnasiums or polideportivos, audio-visual rooms of computer science and or laboratories. Many centers count on service of dining room or scholastic transport, which is especially useful for those parents who work until behind schedule or live far from the center.