
Since the ranks of the defenders Utrish joined the Orthodox community of the resort town. For the cross begin planting saplings pitsundskoy and Crimean pine. They were planted by enthusiasts a year ago, where walked bulldozers. In July, due to lack of rain came the risk of dying plants. Volunteers ekoposta to save the plants, organized irrigation: water from the springs were located three kilometers from the landing. Go to the bottom line planting water from the waterfall were the tourists in the first place anapchane. To date, 79 have survived the pines. After a lengthy rain fall and winter they are fun turned green under the January sun, not knowing that are doomed to die under the tracks of bulldozers and excavators, as soon as construction of roads will be reopened.

However, and now seedlings periodically die under the wheels of vehicles of hunters passing on the road. 'Spasemutrishtsy' (the name appeared on the Internet) are trying to block their path in time, and sensitization. Catch poachers and helped the Cossacks Anapa. And recently, on January 11, the last day of hunting season, it was a heap of brushwood fire ogoromnoy, to throw off a short distance from the lower band of planting. They were found all the signs of a non-random arson. Volunteers started to put out on their own, then joined the Cossacks and Anapa Walnut smoking (sukkah), who arrived on an urgent call Mary for help. If not for quick response and help the volunteers of the Cossacks, the forest damage could be enormous.

End Motivated

In order to stay motivated, it is necessary to know exactly what you want, you must possess a strong desire, and be willing to do its utmost to achieve its objective, this combination of factors always ensure excellent results. The most common is that there is a lack of motivation or only of short duration.How many times you’ve started a weight loss program with enthusiasm, he began a program of strength training or aerobic training or begun to learn a foreign language, only to stop after a short time?Few people possess sufficient strength of will and self-discipline to go to the end with what begins, for that reason it is very important to use all the options that can be benefit us, the binaural audio perfectly carry out this work. There are parameters that help us define our objectives quite clearly, it is easier to show the motivation on a subject that is dear to you.If you want something, but you don’t feel motivated enough to act, this means that the desire is not so important.To be motivated to take action and do something about your desire, it is necessary to have a very strong desire. Motivation has a lot to do with emotions and imagination, which means that if you want to increase, it must work on their feelings and imagination. This adding to the binaural technology will generate you a high motivation which ultimately translates into great results.

Self-Update The Configuration On 1C: Enterprise

Self-refresh configuration on 1C: Enterprise 8 Upgrade configurations 1C: Enterprise 8 .* At first glance it may seem daunting, and certainly if you're not confident, better contact with experts. That we have to do is update the configuration, it can be obtained in the following ways: 1. On the drive ITS (for all versions of 1C: Enterprise 8 above the baseline, a subscription to drive ITS services a must) 2. By the same author: Code.org. Via the Internet to Why do you need the login information username and password, request them from your partner who sold you the kit. (Please note that access to the site will be available for the basic version, but for the other versions only in the current subscription to drive ITS) in this example, we discuss how to update a model version of the configuration. If your version is not typical, that is something you being rationalized it, I advise you to consult a specialist who can conduct this operation correctly. In this example, we consider only the standard versions of the update.

1. First, create a backup database. (In case something goes wrong, you can always restore the data) Run the program in mode "Setup". To do this, select the data base window press the button "Setup". After starting the 'Configurator' in the top menu, click open the 'Administration', 'Unload the data base.

" In window that opens, select the directory where the file will store information database and click "Save" 2. Getting directly to the update. Open the folder with the update file, run the setup.exe file and set the update to the default directory. Note that if the icons on the toolbar looks like this you need to go to the Configuration menu, open the configuration after it becomes available next item in the menu "Configuration", "Support", "Scan", press the button "Next" In the new window choice in the update source press the button "Next" After a brief pause, a window available updates. Select the configuration revision number and click 'Finish' in the dialog box "Accept." Agree by clicking "OK" program asks whether to update the configuration database? Agree by pressing "Yes," The upgrade process is completed, close the configuration tool and now we can go into the program, as always, in the "Enterprise" and to work in an updated version of the program. You should be congratulated: you own have upgraded configuration.

Owning a Home

Siding, or not to be? The question that asks itself sooner or later the owner of a country house, whether new or residential. Ali Partovi understood the implications. Well, let's investigate. In existing technology, there are three main types of facade from the fact including Weatherization. – Layered masonry – ventilated facade – plaster facade siding trim refers to the kind of ventilation facades, this method implies a ventilated space between the wall and the outer casing, in this case – the siding. Used for siding facades of town houses of various types, they can be finished as wooden house and a house of blocks. Even if you have an old wooden house, and you want to do more attractive it looks, while not spending a huge effort and money, the siding – it's the best option. Why, you ask? The first – the price of a comparison with other types of facades, siding, trim, is times cheaper than in, secondly, the siding can be installed independently without the involvement fasadchikov, it greatly reduces the cost of finishing the facade, for example, installation of the plaster of the facade can cost anywhere from 400 to 1,000 rubles per 1 sq.m.

Third – siding can serve more than 10 years (depending on the type of siding). How to mount? Mount the siding under the force of any private developer, the complexity of the work is little different from installing drywall partitions. Mount produced by the aluminum profile or on pieces of wood, pre-sewn to the front, under the siding to make a better insulation mineral insulation density of 35-70 kg / cu.m. Fastening the siding is made on the screws, consecutively to each other. Size of the panels without any special effort to fit with a sharp knife or scissors with metals, can be installed in the winter as opposed to other types of facades, in the winter as a rule, the cost of materials by 20-30% would be cheaper.