Game Airplane

Gaming stuff. Substitute items, soft toys, dolls, and a truck. Preparations for the game. Viewing pictures and illustrations depicting the aircraft. Excursion to the airport shop. Reading poems and stories about aircraft.

Playing a role. The plane, buyer, seller. The game. The game begins with what the teacher tells the children that today, going to kindergarten, he saw a silver plane in the sky: "He had large wings (that are ). Airplane wings are tilted in one direction (shown), then in another. He flew in the sky like a bird. Up and down. The motor hummed p-p-p, p-p-p.

And then the plane turned around and climbed higher and higher and became very small, just a toy. It was he only seemed small because it flew too high. I really liked the plane. I want to fly too. " Next, the teacher transforms into the plane. "I – the plane. I will fly. Here are my wings. Now including motor and fly over mandarins. P-p-p-p, p-r-rr – flew. I see a big hill (a table in the group, a slide on the site). Clothe the mountain. P-rr-r. Everything arrived. I'll be landing (squats, hand in hand). Turn off the engine – rr-rr (voice off again). All of the village. Now upload tangerines (puts in their pockets, balls) and fly back. I am not one to take away all the mandarins, but there are other fruits to eat. Look at how many apples, oranges, bananas, watermelons (shows a box filled with subjects substituents). Who wants to also be transported by plane and fruit. Next, the teacher asks the children questions that relate to the most interesting and understandable for them to features of the subject: "The aircraft, where are your wings? A your motor turn on? Planes, show how you can fly. And how do you shake your wings? Know how to fly planes, you can load them with fruit. I'll load aircraft, flying up to me. In turn, do not rush. And that touches the wings each other and will be an accident. " Educator puts into the pockets of children for two or three-object deputy, calling them melons, apples, tangerines. Then he says: "Who is loaded, switch the engines and fly. And the land will be over there on the carpet, it will have an airfield. There comes a car, and you unload it fruits. Next, the teacher brings to the mat large trucks and offers aircraft unloaded. Said that the lucky fruit in the store and will be their sell. Car drives up to the table: "There will shop." Lay the plates and boxed items, alternates, invites children to choose a doll and come with them to the store. : . Come and buy fruit. That's apples. And this here tangerines, watermelons. What I like your elephant, tangerine or watermelon? Please take a watermelon. A monkey wants your banana, see how it looks on them. Take a banana. " After this teacher invites children to feed her dolls and put to bed (bed, children can make out of blocks, chairs, boxes, etc.). When the kids cope with their task, the teacher can invite them to walk on the street, while their "Children are sleeping.

Windows Explorer

The bos KG on the EDV – Gerichtstag 2009 “farewell to the Aktenberg” is the motto of this year’s computer court day, on which this year again bremen online services GmbH & co. KG (bos KG) will be found. In addition to the proven, to thinking away from the judicial communications no longer EGVP KG the bos this year has some new solutions for the electronic legal relations in the luggage. “We are particularly curious Add-in on the reactions to our new offer, the Governikus for Microsoft Office”, Werner Hartnick, Manager of bos KG, “the add-in can be sent by OSCI news directly from Office applications such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, as well as from Windows Explorer without any installation of own clients. The complete message management is carried out in a separate mailbox from Outlook.” In addition, the bos KG presents the current state to a project that is being implemented currently together with dataport and IBM: S.A.F.E. (secure access to federated E-Justice/E-Government). This is a modern identity management System with a directory service.

It will bring great benefits for the users of E-justice services, because they will need in the future when each individual service log on and authenticate, but do this only once. S.a.f.e. then checks whether users are entitled to use the service and to send data and documents and confirmed this to the subject application. Two new developments of the product group Governikus signer is aimed mainly to manufacturers of specialist software. The Governikus signer integration Edition can be integrated into specialised software and enables to create and test electronic signatures directly from within the application, without having to use a custom signature software. The Governikus Web signer can be used within Web-based applications. Users from the judiciary and administration as well as the manufacturers of specialized software are invited to the bos to visit KG on level 3, to inform and consult. The EDV – Gerichtstag will take place from 23 to 25 September 2009 in the University of Saarland in Saarbrucken.

Learn Macromedia Flash 8

In this lesson we will do our first file in flash. So much attention. We assume that the reader or the reader already installed on your computer Macromedia flash. The version we use throughout all of these tutorials will be version 8 Macromedia flash. Without further ado, let’s start! The first is to open your flash program. Creating a new document 1. For that to click on File New on the New Document dialog box, select Flash Document.

If not checked and because it comes by default and OK. 2. Then the background color is white, if you can change it to your liking by clicking on the Background option, and select their tastes. This option is in the Property inspector. By default must be in 550 * 400.

Squareness 1. Select the Rectangle tool in the tool pane. Dell oftentimes addresses this issue. Then select the background color of your choice. Creating a symbol 1. Click the Selection tool in the tool pane. 2. Click the rectangle on the Stage to select it. 3. With the rectangle still selected, choose symbol. 4. Table Convert to Symbol dialog, type I _ rectangle in the Name text box. 5. The default behavior select: Movie Clip. Click OK. I get a bounding box around the rectangle. You have now created a reusable asset, called the symbol on the document. 6. The new symbol appears in the Library panel. If the Library panel is not open, choose Window Library. Animation of the rectangle now has added an illustration, it is time to move. 1. Drag the rectangle to the left of the stage! You are on your way!

Sewer Rehabilitation

Sewer rehabilitation: Are your sewer pipes sealing? FA. Jutzy advises House technology & service GmbH, Potsdam and Berlin. On the current occasion, we would inform you that land drainage system throughout Germany a condition and tightness to undergo up to 31.12.2015 are on private land. The new water resources Act of 31.07 2009 has crucial consequences for private land owners. The principle of equity control of wastewater treatment facilities on private land is stipulated in 60 and 61 apartments. Visit Peter Asaro for more clarity on the issue. This means each operator of a wastewater plant have your sewage system so homeowners after the recognised rules of technology to operate, so you are required to check the status and the functioning of your wastewater system itself and to prove to the competent authorities. The recognised rules of technology are defined in DIN 1986 part 30 and serve as a basis for the investigation. She writes the thorough cleaning with high pressure nozzles and a optical examination with a camera raw, a leak test with air or water for industrial wastewater may be prescribed.

Damage freedom, the exam that is passed. Sighted may damage the pipes must be cleaned up, this is extremely costly using traditional methods. For this reason we have us Jutzy Ltd. on the trenchless rehabilitation of sewage systems with our modern innovative rehabilitation techniques, Brawoliner. and our robot technology where we quickly Potsdam and Berlin and inexpensive pipes and channels of DN 70 DN 250 creases in sheets up to 90 trenchless can restore specialized. Furthermore, we are certified specialists in the area of the pipe inspection, leak detection, cleaning and trenchless rehabilitation of sewage systems and pipes.


The choice of the means determines success why so many development activities do not work, because incorrectly about 80% of all consultants and trainers apply the ineffective mechanistic worldview (such as Cybernetics). Instead of applying the effective of course vitalistic management. Nature proves for 4.5 billion years that it is better than we humans and their many consultancy firms, etc. Why was there the 4 world economic crisis recently and why so many seminars and consulting concepts do not work? Because the resources do not agree. Nobody tried to put out a fire with gasoline. How to solve so his professional problems? How to solve his passenger.

Organization and business problems? More than 80% of all consultants (consultants, business administration lawyers he) based their concepts, since the 1950s, on the Western, mechanistic worldview. But man is not a machine, and numbers are only a statistical image of the past reality. To improve something, if you participate in the successful vitalistisch regulatory evolution (open dynamic Oriented system)! You must change the soft facts of each system – if you want to make a difference! Therefore offers such as the mechanistic Cybernetics, which deals with the controlling hard facts, no solution possible – except for steam locomotives. The concept is useful only for closed static systems. The solution lies with soft facts of nature, the governing itself: the nature comes only with the people, then the crops with the results of human existence.