Rank Education

Rank of Mata 2009 LANDMARKS INCIO CAVALCANTE presented Academic Portflio as Work of Conclusion of Curso (TCC), of the Course of Licenciatura in Biology of the College of Technology and Sciences in the modality long-distance Education, actual polar region of the city of Rank of the Mata/BA, for attainment of the permitted degree of. Orientation: Professor Antonio Araan Jambeiro Brando. Rank of Mata 2009 is not in the silence that the men if make, but in the word, the work, the action-reflection. FREIRE, 2001 Dedico to my Klebia wife, for the wonderful person who is, for the diverse forms where it helped me, for the innumerable pleasant moments and the understanding of my absence and fatigue at some moments. E, to that, throughout this walked, if the hours had made gifts in all. I thank the God for the yielded chance; my tutor, Glucia Pear tree, for everything what it represented throughout this course, for the affection, devotion and attention. After all the stages of this long winding passage, passing for diverse you discipline and practical pedagogical, supervised periods of training, strategies of education and learning in Biology, as well as its respective seminaries and approaching all the considered transversal subjects for each period of course, can be perceived vast quo and unknown it is the world to be explored in if treating to Education, which must have a decisive paper for transformation and formation of the human being in a being capable to think, to create, to innovate and to be critical. The Education in the Construction of the Citizenship, the education is also distinguished as decisive factor as one of them pillars in the construction of moral values, so that this citizen can fulfill its function social, with an education come back toward the freedom and respect to the dignity human being. Moreover, the thematic one of the Education in the Formation of Moral Values in Ensino de Biologia was boarded also, with mutual respect between the people, solidarity, justice, leading always in consideration the valuation human being and the importance of such basic principles to be inserted in the education of Natural Sciences and of Biology.