The Cultures

Art.6- for the fulfilment of the established one in this decree, will have to be servant, kept and implanted, without damages of others action, integrated programs of ambient education: I it all the levels education modalities. We see as the government comes if worrying legislatively about the ambient education but this it does not come being enough the examples of the inefficacy are innumerable. Oak (2008) in them leases in its book ambient education and the formation of the ecological citizen the principles of the education for the sustainable societies and global responsibility. They are these: 1-A education and a right of all, we are all apprenticees and educators. 2-A ambient education must have as base the thought I criticize and innovator, in any time or place, its ways formal, not formal, and informal, promoting the transformation and the construction of the society. 3-A ambient and individual and collective education, has the intention to form citizens with planetary conscience local and, who respect the self-determination of the peoples and the sovereignty of the nations. 4-A ambient not and neutral, but ideological education. an act politician, based on values for the social transformation.

5-A ambient education must stimulate solidarity, the equality and the respect to the human rights, being valid? if of democratic strategies and interaction between the cultures. 6 – The ambient education must facilitate the cooperation lends and equitable in the decision processes, in all the levels and modalities. 7-A ambient education must recoup, recognize, respect, reflect and use aboriginal history and local cultures, as well as promoting cultural, linguistic and ecological the diversity. this implies a revision of the history of the native peoples, to modify the etnocntricos approaches, beyond stimulating the bilingual education. 8-A ambient education must be planned to enable the people it will work way conflicts joust and human being. 9 – The ambient education must integrate knowledge, aptitudes, values, attitudes and action.

The Media

What it is perceived, when the change involves money the spirit to protect the nature falls of time. The ambient conscience would have increased of significant form in recent years, however, it did not revert in behavior change. The developed countries still resist in modifying its habits of growth, over all if this brings consequences in its pockets. Few are made use to pay more, by means of taxes or contributions, to reduce the ambient risks and to finance causes that protect the nature. With these climatic changes, it is not of today that some countries worried about the problem would start to argue and to search mechanisms that would make possible new options for economic growth without destroying the nature would accept the challenge for to unlock the impasse, since the call deep green would be the most likely result of the meeting, according to some delegations. Would be this the solution of the problem? I think that the solution would not have to be of that the countries less developed simply also served of lixeira so that other more developed they more economically continue growing each time, and, poluindo each time more. Perhaps these people have unreliability on the adequate application of financial resources e, lamentably, are exactly when the change involves the money that the spirit to protect the nature falls of time Also she can, is not for less, ahead of as many scandals of corruption in Brazil judging for what we have seen in the media recently, if these resources to come exactly to Brazil, an excellent business would be the assembly of a plant of ceroulas sufficients

Child And Nature

Child and nature Today in the century XXl, the concentration of the children this each shorter time, the stimulatons are many, as: computer, TV, video game, and other technologies that attention of the children harms. The contact with small animals, as ant, fish, turtle, ducks, birds, helps the development of the child, to also understand the part of cleanness and feeding. The professors and the parents can promote some activities ecological. To follow the growth of the sufficiently interesting plants constitute experience, to teach as to water, to verify the presence of plagues, thus it helps to have more knowledge of preparation and collective plantation of one horta in the external space. We can speak on the nature in musics, games, tricks, histories, it dances traditional, it favors more curiosity for child. They are forms to demonstrate as it is possible, to change the destination of the things with a useful production. The fact is that the nature must be part our daily one, contributes for maintenance of the balance of the environment.

The people who if interest for the nature if become a richer person, the integrity with the nature normally are calmer, therefore when it observes, the beauty of the ecological park the person if feels lighter and without negative thoughts, who it feels when this in an empty place without ecological structure, flowers, animals, without nature. With all this tranquillity that the person starts to have, it passes to the child more confidence and interest in the subject. Who is not worried in teaching what it is nature, and as we must take care of of it is because it has fear to inside assume its role of it. The consequence that if draws out for much time. In the nature exist laws that must be fulfilled, therefore the reality of the wild life are sad, nobody respects more, and when the nature if to disclose? it does not pardon? , and it is our responsibility to give to a better future pra our children. Thus we can acquire a better future. To consider to the child the cooperation as challenge, of form that it it recognizes its limits. You the world must have source of information valuable on the child and the nature in the process to learn. By means of problems that are at the same time challenging and possible to be decided.