Perfect Job Education

Let me introduce you to Ben. He made it happen Ben was a comptroller. He liked what he was doing and wanted to find a similar job after his position was eliminated during a re-organization. a l brought to our initial meeting of a curriculum vitae outlining your employment history and education. No resume and nothing they identified as their market value differed from all other bean counters there with a similar experience. They sent me home with a mission to create a professional resume.

This is what he wrote: I am an accountant / controller with experience in managing all aspects of finance and accounting functions for manufacturing and distribution industries. Core competencies include data management, financial analysis, and management of integrated services. This was a great improvement and a great start. But I knew we could do better. As we talked more, Ben asked probing questions to find out what really liked to do. Then something interesting. Ben started talking about creating change and implementing process improvements that helped to increase productivity and profitability of a company. As he spoke, his eyes brightened and became more lively and energetic.

Graduate Area Faces

To this must be added, the quality of teachers are hired, many without experience, inexperienced, knowledgeable not adapted to reality, all because the salaries offered are very low, thereby causing that qualified teachers are not interested in joining. In Venezuela, we are concerned, it is absurd to note that a teacher gets paid 12 an hour strong Bs (= $ 5. 50), when a public university professor earns Bs45 (= $ 22). It is unfortunate, as the authorities of these colleges do not consider that a high salary, incentive, motivator, can ensure that qualified teachers entering the plant teachers, ensuring training with academic and research excellence to train and develop professionals that the country needs and to justify the high investment cost is added to all this also, the lack of professional profiles in the races we have already mentioned: Administration, Engineering, Economics, Accounting for pointing out the most familiar. Programs that are not specific to that Venezuela needs, and demanded by the international economic scenarios. His curriculum of studies is unrealistic, comprising subjects that do not correspond to knowledge needed to meet the challenges, about the changes, giving way to the changes needed to encourage the development of the country. Many of the subjects, just have a name, according to some modern universities in advanced, but the contents leave much to say and more when they are transmitted by teachers who lack the necessary academic backing to ensure positive results.

There is an absence of dynamic research to join the universities in favor of collaboration, support of the resolution of major problems the country faces in these disciplines. There are no libraries to keep books updated information database to provide assistance to participants in the optimization of their knowledge and applicability of these in their professional practice. There is very little connection to these universities with the business, with the state, allowing them to enter the real needs of these sectors, tapping their experiences, needs, helping to supplement in the form treated as beneficial in theory, strengthen professional practices, active participation in training. It is worrying, as in the case of Venezuela, expresses a constant complaint of companies that graduates leave with knowledge very narrow, low-amplitude, very limited and too theoretical and not their own knowledge of current scenarios, in particular, are not providing what the country needs in favor of their solutions, achievements. Given this troubling reality for the Venezuelan higher education, should take measures to prevent further deterioration. It is necessary to take actions that lead to demand for private university academic rigor, less facile, marketing, more commitment. Must denounce all deformations, weaknesses remain and seriously affect the training of professionals that Venezuela needs, require more scholarship, more training, especially in the races we have mentioned, that today more than ever, are necessary to ensure actions to help the country out of the turbulence it faces and more, to a global crisis that will affect our economy.

Public universities faced with this reality, have opportunities to meet the challenges that benefits them in their projection to train skilled professionals, if they want to, again before a competition that shows many weaknesses, the authorities should simply restructure their shares in favor of an Academic good standard, offered to rescue the deterioration of higher education, ensuring good training of professionals to collaborate with the country towards achieving the development has long since should have already achieved. Industrial Engineer-manager, lawyer. EGADE (ITESM), UC Graduate degrees in business administration, quality and productivity, education Ed.D. Professor and researcher Graduate Area Faces UC. Consultant-Business Advisory EXATEC DEPROIMCA