Federal Statistical Office

Completed residential building with 1 Apartment (EFH) with 2 apartments with 3 or more apartments 2002 135.257 37.628 79.713 2003 131.820 33.338 70.354 2004 144.095 33.118 69.387 2005 120.781 28.288 60.891 2006 123.963 25,500 69.362 2007 101.144 22.896 59.859 2008 78.885 17.484 54.615 source: Federal Statistical Office similarly modest are the framework conditions for investors and investors. The Elimination of depreciation slowed significantly also the flats. The numbers are clear: nearly 80,000 completed multi-family 2002, barely 55,000 completions in 2008. (Source: Viacom). The effects are noticeable. For 2010, the real estate Association Germany expects that the rents increase also in the future throughout. This can be traced even in a town like Leipzig. According to research of the HypoVereinsbank has risen the rents for flats in good locations within three years to one euro per square meter. Even medium-sized layers have risen half a euro on average.

For one, this means a rich premium at a rental level of 5 to 7 euros. On the other hand, this is in a city with nearly 14 percent unemployment and a vacancy of about 38,000 flats a remarkable development. Also for the housing, the increase of the real estate transfer tax is the wrong signal. If the homeownership rate rise and the price increase should be slowed, then better framework conditions must be created. Could take the following measures: the deggressive depreciation of leased property should be re-introduced temporarily living Riester must be streamlined and simplified first-time buyers could be adopted in the tax the tax must not cause further concluded the President of the Association of residential property Hans Rauch come to Word. To increase the transfer tax in Saxony-Anhalt, he says: this is the completely wrong signal for the already heavily battered real estate sector in Saxony-Anhalt. The will to remain here to build a home and finding his livelihood in the country will undermine massively.” Which is nothing to add. Sincerely your Andreas Wenzel