Superior Associations

The participants had carried through the research in the academy school of the ASCES (Association Superior Caruaruense de Ensino) during the month of March of 2010. Procedures of analysis The collection of data was lead in four days alternating. In the first day a test for the determination of the maximum load in 1RM in the superior member was carried through. In as the day (48 hours after the first evaluation), procedure for the inferior member was carried through the same. In the third day (72 hours after as the day) individuals had been submitted to the tests of 10 repetitions, 75% of the load of 1RM for exercises for superior members and in the room day for inferior members for the gauging of the DP (SHOVELS x FC), of SHOVELS and PAD. When arriving at the place of the test, the individuals were seated in a chair where they had remained per five minutes in rest, and thus had been surveyed the values of the corporal mass, stature, (SHOVELS), (PAD) (FC). After the antropomtricos and hemodinmicos procedures, the participants had been guided on the procedures of the test in the exercises agachamento, leg-press 45, crucifixo and peck-deck. The individual located in the first device, that was chosen of random form, and executed 10 repetitions, with a load equivalent 30% of 1RM, as heating form.

After five minutes had been carried through 10 repetitions 75% of the load of 1RM. The values of (FC) (SHOVELS) had been surveyed (PAD) simultaneously, immediately before the beginning of the movement and between penultimate and the last repetition with the individual in the proper device. This procedure was taken leading in account that the biggest values of the answers of (SHOVELS), (PAD) (FC), happens probably during the two last repetitions of a series. For the measure of the Par, it considered as sistlico value, the first phase of the sound of Korotkoff and as diastlico value the fourth phase.