Armed Forces

– First of them it is basically oriented to obtain the fortification of the military institution, anticipating for it the increase of the military units in all the Country. It also looks for to optimize the processes of qualification and preparation of the regular troops and to increase the one of the battalions of reservists. Additionally it inquires the possibility especially of determining possible theaters of operations in the different regions from the Country in the border zones with Colombia and Guyana. It also has as objective the impulse of the processes of recovery, renovation and update of the arms and equipment for the different branches from the FAN, processes that are marked by the technological advance in the acquired material. The doctrinal aspect has anticipated the establishment of new norms and directives that reconstruct the military activity based on a preventive and essentially dissuasive scheme, driven through a process of ideological reconversion of the officer corpses and sergeant major, initiate in the centers of military and continued formation in the bodies battle, establishing in this way a particular notion of the concept of integral defense.

The identification of alternative markets for the acquisition of material and warlike technology, as well as the development of the national war industry has been also a proposed objective, and largely obtained, with the escogencia of the new military suppliers. In this sense agreements with Russia have been signed, China, Iran, Spain, Brazil, among others. – The second strategy looks for the consolidation and deepening of the union between population and Armed Forces, with the intention of designing attachment lines that fortify and increase the state levels of citizen security and the hand with mayorships, governments and other organisms. – The third strategy is directed to deepen the work of the FAN in the social missions in which it participates, to educate and to sensitize to the population on the advantages of the civic-military unit, to progress in the fight against the poverty and to integrate to Armed Forces in the local and regional development. Similarly and from the drawn up strategic lines, the possible scenes of conflict for the FAN within the asymmetric concept have projected military, where the military actions with the policies would be combined, implying for it to the civil populace, through the battalions of reservists, using as well average and nonconventional methods and prolonging the conflict by means of a clandestine war of wearing down, against an enemy more good equipped, all the previous one in the application of the theoretical postulates enunciated by the Colonels of the Chinese Popular Army, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, in its work " The War Without Restricciones".

The new Venezuelan military doctrine, this then directed to look for that to medium term, the FAN not only of the best one are equipped, armed and trained to Latin American level, but also, of the best one prepared to endorse a government with pretensions but that certain to become an influential power at regional level. The question that arises here is like Colombia and in particular their FFMM- would be prepared to respond to that pretension. Erich Saumeth C. Ms Original author and source of the article.