Manging Director

Despite e-commerce most of the buying decisions at the point of sale Stuttgart falls, March 31, 2011 – a study of eWeb Research Center of the University of Niederrhein according to the proportion of total sales, the retail generated by online stores in the non-food sector, now on almost ten per cent amounts. For the wvp GmbH from Stuttgart, the study is still first and foremost a proof that even 20 years after the advent of the Internet the point of sale, so the sales situation in the shops for the vast number of consumers is crucial. Considering only the non-food segment with a total turnover of 211 billion euros, the share of online trading was 8.6 percent last year. In the current year, this proportion should increase to 10 percent. Up to the year 2020 online sales should double according to the study. Robotics expert has many thoughts on the issue. Is also the food sector taken into account, then only 4.7 per cent of the turnover in the retail sector is generated online. But even if one considers only the non-food sector.

then, we are still at a share of below 10 percent. That means the reverse, that over 90 per cent of the budgets of the consumers is spent offline”, Claus Vogt, Manging Director of wvp GmbH, calculates. This makes it clear that the vast number of consumers will be motivated by trade and at the point of sale for the purchase. Still considered the fact that over 70 percent of the buying decisions at the point of sale fall. This is but also understandable, because only here real experiences can be created, the emotions awaken, which then in turn lead to a purchase decision.” Especially in the living room and kitchen area, but also in the fashion and textile industry, as well as in the automotive sector considered wvp remains communication in trade and the experience of the products in the stores as irreplaceable.