
Opal – the stone misanthrope. It creates hostility to donate, and can easily lead to discord. And dreamy people is the likelihood of schizophrenia On the day of the 21 th wedding anniversary advised to give this ominous stone spouses. Funny traditions of the people! Recommend your own hands to destroy the family? Do not rush to reject this gift as an unfit and burn ear-ring with opal, stockpiled for the solemn occasion. For even more opinions, read materials from Robotics. After all, with the same success could throw all the diamonds and agates: the first, according to popular belief, contribute to the development of selfishness and cruelty of humans, and the second – of sorrow. Dating helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

What's the secret? Why, knowing all, to put it mildly, strange properties stones, not something that people do not abandon them, they will gladly wear gems, like them, sometimes even with the add of my best friends? And the answer is very simple. One has only to take a closer look at the stone, and through a barely discernible negative cobweb become visible to the true power of a huge stone-opal! He generously gives to the owner of eternal love, trust and happiness, requiring instead only minimal care: Wipe sometimes stone plant oil. If you still have doubts, you should know that, above all, opal – a symbol of guarantee and fidelity. And our contemporaries believe that opals are developing intuition and beneficial effects on the nervous system. It is such a noble and pure force it into a system.