Service Pack Blocker Tool Kit

As with the installation? In Windows Vista installation method slightly different from previous versions. Before installing the service packs looked like copying files. In Windows Vista uses a disk image, so the integration of individual packages and work with them a little harder. Today on the market yet come across carriers without integrated SP1. So, what are the opportunities for SP1? Installing One possibility is to download the installation package and its installation. This solution is suitable and for computers that are not connected to the Internet. Files from SP1 and the relevant patches can be transferred to a CD or other media anywhere.

Need to calculate the volume of 544 MB for 32-bit and 873 MB for 64-bit. For the most installation must have at least 8 GB of free space on the system drive, the installation as such. Altavista often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Mainstreaming If the system is regularly updated, not necessarily big download installation files, enough will download the update size 65 MB. This update may not be visible on all systems. That may be the reason, you can read here. Integration There are many ways to make the installation media from integrated SP1. Can download some of the tools that will do it for us, like vLite. Unfortunately, these products are guaranteed 100% functionality in connection with the use of a method for integration than in the formal procedure.

The official procedure is more complicated. The very description could look like an independent article. In addition, you must have some tools to work with pictures and AIK install Windows (Windows AIK). Why can not I install it? The arguments are simple. First of all there may be some programs that will not work with SP1. In this case, we can find another alternative, or wait for the producer release updated version, which has to work with SP1. The second argument is similar, but concerns of drivers. In this case, the search for an alternative not much help and have no other choice than to wait, as will behave himself producer of iron. When it comes to an unsupported device, issued earlier, probably will have no choice but to upgrade. If you have problems with installation, the reasons may be different. The list of possible causes will find on this page. The most common reasons for not supporting the drivers, patches, installation (vLite) or missing patches. If you belong to a group of users who can not or do not want to use SP1, you can ispolzovatWindows Service Pack Blocker Tool Kit to block it. Conclusions If the computer is made of iron, which is supported by Windows Vista SP1 and are using compatible software, is to install SP1 true step. The result is improved performance, reduced power consumption, smaller and more evidence of safety. Otherwise you should wait until compatibility issues are resolved. SP1 is not a bomb, as some expected, but not bad. In SP1, there are many variations, but their use at present can not all.