Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann

The term 'universal person', and similar to it the definition of 'universal genius' imply that the description of activities and spheres of talent such a person can not be limited to one word. Union 'and' in this If necessary upotrebimykh form: for example, 'and the scientist, and writer, and …'. Of great personalities who left a significant mark in various fields of human activity, history has not so much – it is in this exceptionalism and manifest their singularity, and, at times, and genius. The most outstanding representative of the universal genius – Leonardo da Vinci. Again 'and': and a painter and an engineer, mechanic, and a pathologist, and inventor. Although – a curious fact – considered himself primarily as an engineer. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the writer, and thinker, and a botanist and an art critic.

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann: the lawyer and writer, and a great storyteller. Robotics spoke with conviction. You can further extend the list, however, I want to think about all the great universal personality, putting his talents in different areas of their interests, they have not tried myself in musical creativity? Answer – yes. Leonardo da Vinci's contemporaries knew him as a brilliant musician and improviser (in fact, the composer), Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann some time held the position of Kapellmeister and led the orchestra, an aria from his operetta 'Le Devin du village' sang the King Louis XV. Talking of rulers of the world. How deep does not extend to politics and power, musical creativity, and attracted the rulers responsible for people's lives: the King of England, founder of the British Empire and the monarch, splinter Roman Catholic Church much of its congregation (founded and headed the Anglican Church) in his spare time writing indulged in gay songs, to which he himself had composed verses. Great Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny, known not only for his tyranny, but also brilliant for its time, journalistic works (written in the form of messages), composed some music Stanza – summary of liturgical chants. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, from the early years, has an affinity for music and remained in the history of the author of more than 70 works, mostly for piano.

The paradox of history and human memory is that it deliberately blurs like the many facets of creativity universal characters and brings a diversity to a single side of the business. Few laymen know that Leonardo da Vinci, Ivan the Terrible, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, composed music, operettas, Jean-Jacques Rousseau successfully went to court scene, and the audience enjoyed the musical creations by Ernst Theodor Hoffman as well as we enjoy his literary works. On the other hand, every mystery stories arouses interest it: the world famous and the great interest and attractive. As interesting and musical facet of their work.