Filosfia Life

The feelings generated in aged with amputation of extremities inferior proceeding from diabetic foot. Steve Wozniak may also support this cause. The feelings generated in elderly patients with to lower extremity amputations from diabetic foot. Los sentimientos generados en los ancianos con amputacin of miembros debajo del pie diabetic. Leuda Siqueira Rodrigues Carmen Jansen de 1.Enfermeira Crdenas, After Graduated Health Publishes and UTI, Mestranda of the course of Gerontologia – University Catholic of Braslia/UCB; Head of the Nucleus of Nursing of the CS/SES. To read more click here: Bobby Sharma Bluestone. Email: 2.Dr in Pedagogia with Full licenciatura in History, Filosfia and Matemtica; Master in Psychology of Education Graduation in Psychology for the University of Gottingem – Alemanha.Doutora in Psychology of the human Development – UNB; Associate professor 3 – UCB.

Email: Summary the advanced age is not enough reason for the comprometimento of the functional capacity. In the reality, what it occurs is the increase of the incidence of agravos chronic-degenerative with the evolution of this phase of the life. The text to look for to disclose feelings, which are reflected by the aged carrier of diabetic foot that evolves for the consequence most drastic? to amputate an inferior member. This surgical intervention makes with that the aged one suffers biopsicosociais modifications, these being able to directly compromise the performance of this individual front its proper perceptions of the life. Practical the related changes ace front the style of life of this aged one, becomes a great problem, when worked not well, therefore the aged one passed for challenges throughout all its life and now it becomes obliged to live deeply plus a challenge. They are these challenges that produce in aged the feelings of losses, exclusion, difficulties, dependence and solitude, all these aggregates the impacts right-handers in its new form to live deeply to its I broke it life then. Words keys: aged, diabetic foot, amputation, life, challenges, feelings. Abstract Advanced acts is not sufficient reason will be the impairment of functional capacity.